The Department of Economics is excited to announce the initiation of the Kriens Fund for Economics. The fund has been made possible by Erik '00 and Angella '99 Kriens in part by a grant from the Vita Fund, an adivsed fund of Silicon Valley Community Foundation. Application materials are now available for Summer 2018 student research funding opportunities.

Student Research Awards

The Department of Economics requests proposals for the Kriens Fund for Economics Student Research Awards. Research funding request must specify a proposed project and an identified project mentor from the economics faculty. The award supports basic research that enhances understanding of a well-defined economics research question. While not a requirement for funding, award allocation includes a preference for funding projects seeking solutions and outcomes that promote land management and conservation.

Summer application deadline: April 6, 2018

Evaluation Criteria
The Economics Department faculty will evaluate each proposal and make awards on a competitive basis. Decisions will be based on the clarity, strength and completeness of the written proposal, appropriateness of the proposed budget, and strength of a supporting letter from the faculty advisor.

Responsibilities of Award Holders
At the conclusion of the project, the student must communicate the results of the project to the Puget Sound community in a manner appropriate to the project. The project advisor will be responsible for approving and arranging the presentation. A final written report of the project (preferably in the publishable format of an acceptable professional journal), a brief description of the presentation to the Puget Sound community, and an accounting of all expenditures must be submitted to the Department of Economics (c/o Garrett Milam), CMB 1057.

Examples of Past Work
Students have tackled a wide array of projects with the support of the Kriens Fund For Economics. The links below each give a snapshot of the work completed by past recipients!

  • Emily Masangcay ('14): The Effect of the National School Lunch Program on Education Attainment (PDF of paper)
  • Peter Bergene ('15): The Effect of Historic Designation on the Value of Single-Family Homes in Tacoma (PDF of paper draft)
  • Ryan Walch ('13): Volatility, Financial Markets and The Minority Game (PDF of presentation slides)
  • Joe Cerne ('13): Developing a Working Natural Resource Marketplace in Whatcom County (PDF of presentation slides)

Award Funding Limits
Research funds are awarded on the basis of merit and available funding. Requests for up to $4,000 per project will be considered, with an expectation that budget requests will typically fall between $1,500 and $4,000. Please justify the level of funding for each item requested in your budget.

Kriens Cover Page (PDF)