Program Description
Why do states go to war with one another? What kinds of humanitarian responses do nations owe to one another? How can democratic citizens participate actively in government? How do institutions like Congress, the Supreme Court, and the Presidency work? What is the nature of the conflict between actors like Israel and Palestine; North Korea and South Korea; or Iran and the U.S.? And what are the possible resolutions to these conflicts?
Students in the Department of Politics and Government (P&G) study the struggle over power, authority, freedom, justice, war, and peace at the local, state, national, and international levels. They examine systemic oppression in all its forms; the ways individuals and groups work to ameliorate their circumstances; and how law, economics, and institutions shape political outcomes around the globe.
Who You Could Be
- Policy analyst
- Radio journalist
- Campaign advisor
- Foreign service officer
- Nonprofit organizer
- Lawyer

"Having this research grant has really allowed me to just kind of dive into something I'm passionate about and marry it with my academic passions, social history, media history, and study something I wouldn't have been able to."
What You'll Learn
- How to be an effective citizen and political actor
- Skills in analysis, writing, and oral communication
- To understand local, national, and international politics broadly
- To develop a deeper knowledge in one of the following fields:
- U.S. politics
- Political theory
- International relations
- Comparative politics
- Law, politics, and society