In this section

Nicholas Brody

Blackburn, K., Brody, N.,& LeFebvre, L. (2014). Breaking up is hard to do: Public and private pronoun usage in relationship breakup accounts. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 33, 202-213. 

Peña, J., & Brody, N. (2014). Intentions to hide and unfriend Facebook connections based on perceptions of sender attractiveness and status updates. Computers in Human Behavior, 31, 143-150.

Dailey, R. M., Jin, B., Brody, N., & McCracken, A. A. (2013). A dimensional approach to characterizing on-again/off-again dating relationships. Interpersona, 7, 196-214.

Brody, N. (2013). Absence – and mediated communication – makes the heart grow fonder: Clarifying the predictors of satisfaction and commitment in long-distance friendships. Communication Research Reports, 30, 323-332. 

Dailey, R. M., Brody, N., LeFebvre, L., & Crook, B. (2013). Charting changes in commitment: Trajectories of on-again/off-again relationships. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 30, 1020-1044. 

Derek Buescher

Sawyer, Elliott and Derek T. Buescher. “Tell the Whole Truth: Feminist Exception in World War II Wonder Woman.” In Ten Cent War. James Kimball and Trischa Goodnow (eds). University of Mississippi Press (forthcoming).

Buescher. Derek T. and Kent A. Ono. “A Heretic of Law: Lieutenant Commander Charles Swift’s Challenge of Executive Authority in the War on Terror.” In Disturbing Argument: Selected Works from the 18th NCA/AFA Alta Conference on Argumentation. Catherine Palczewski (ed). 2014 (forthcoming)

Buescher, Derek. "Exceptional Torture: Torture Imagery as Neocolonial Rhetoric." In Communicating Colonialism: Readings on Postcolonial Theory(s) and Communication. Rae Lynn Schwartz-Dupre (ed.). Peter Lang Publishing, 2013.

Buescher, Derek T. and Kent A. Ono. "Visualizing Heretical Argument: The Incongruent Imagery of Pfc. Jessica Lynch." Reason and Social Change. Robin Rowland (ed). Washington, DC: National Communication Association, 2011.

Buescher, Derek T. "Educational Convergences: The Potential Relationships between Parliamentary and Policy Debate Communities." in Navigating Opportunity: Policy Debate in the 21st Century. Allan D. Louden (ed). New York: International Debate Education Association, 2010: 339-347.

Rowland, Robin C.; Atchison, Jarrod; Buescher, Derek; Gerber, Matthew G., Jarman, Jeffrey J.; Young, Kelly. “A Report on the Status of Standards for Tenure and Promotion in Debate.” In Navigating Opportunity: Policy Debate in the 21st Century. Allan D. Louden (ed). New York: International Debate Education Association, 2010: 77-102.

Buescher, Derek T. "Evidentiary Ethos: Critical Inquiry and the Limitations of the 'Universal Audience' in Parliamentary Debate." Parliamentary Debate: The Journal of The National Parliamentary Debate Association. 12:1, Spring 2010: 1-22.

Buescher, Derek and Kent Ono. “The Content of Citizenship.” Concerning Argument. Scott Jacobs (ed). Washington, DC: National Communication Association, 2009: 78-87.

Dexter Gordon

“Identity and Struggle in Jamaican Talk.” Our Voices: Essays in Culture, Ethnicity, and Communication: An Intercultural Anthology. (Revised and expanded) 5th ed. Eds. Alberto Gonzales, Marsha Houston, and Victoria Chen. New York: Oxford, UP 2012. 167-175.

“Perspectives: A Chat and a Tweet on Race.” Editorial. Diverse Issues in Higher Education. 22 November 2010. (With Grace Livingston).

The Founding of the Black Student Union at the University of Puget Sound. Dir. Sid Lee, TV Tacoma, September 2010. DVD. Worked with Sid Lee and Ayanna Drakos in the making of the documentary for TV Tacoma and in the making of a special edition for the 2nd Quadrennial Race and Pedagogy National Conference. October 29, 2010.

Reasoning with the Sons of Thunder: A Documentary Exploring Rastafari. Dir. Dexter B. Gordon. With technical help from Preston Smith and Stephen Philbrook. June 2009. DVD.

Tacoma Civil Rights Project and Washington State Historical Society. (Dexter B. Gordon, Chair of research team, Tacoma. Civil Rights Project, Harold Moss and Thomas Dixon artifact collectors). Tacoma’s Civil Rights Struggle: African Americans Leading the Way. Travelling exhibit hosted at the Washington State Historical Society, August 18, 2008-December 7, 2008 and at the Northwest African American Museum, Seattle, Washington --February 5, 2009 – December 20, 2009.

Renee Houston

Edley, P. & Houston, R. (forthcoming) Information and Communication Technologies in Public and Private Life: Negotiated Moments of Intersectionality, Identity, and Practice. In L. Webb & K. Wright, (Eds.), Computer-Mediated Communication in Personal Relationships, second ed. New York: Peter Lang.

Geist- Martin, P. Gates, L. Wiering, L. Kirby, E. Houston, R. Lilly, A. & Moreno, J. (2012). Exemplifying Collaborative Autoethnographic Practice via Shared Stories of Mothering. In Chang, H., Ngunjiri, F. and Hernandez, K., Collaborative Autoethnography (Developing Qualitative Inquiry). California: Left Coast Press, Inc.

Edley, P. & Houston, R. (2011) The more things change, the more they stay the same: The role of ICTs in interpersonal familial relationships. In L. Webb & K. Wright, (Eds.), Computer-Mediated Communication in Personal Relationships, (pp. 195-221). New York: Peter Lang.

Geist- Martin, P. Gates, L. Wiering, L. Kirby, E. Houston, R. Lilly, A. & Moreno, J. (2010). Exemplifying Collaborative Autoethnographic Practice via Shared Stories of Mothering, Journal of Research Practice, 6, 1, Article M8.

Houston, R. (2009). Being homeless and gay or lesbian is a difficult combination: An invisible population. In E. Kirby and C. McBride (Eds.) Communicating gender: A casebook. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing.

Houston, R., & Jackson, M. (2009). A framework for conceptualizing technology in development. In T. McPhail (ed.) Development Communication: Reframing the role of the media, (pp. 99-122). Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, Ltd.

James Jasinski

“A Nation ‘at the Edge of the Precipice’: The Senate Debate over Henry Clay’s 1850 Compromise Measures” in Public Debate in the Civil War Era, eds. David Zarefsky and Michael Leff, Volume IV in A Rhetorical History of the United States (East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, forthcoming).

“Henry Clay, Tariff Policy Debates, and the (Re)composition of American Civic Identity” in Constructing the Citizen in Jacksonian America, ed. Stephen H. Browne, Volume III in A Rhetorical History of the United States (East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, forthcoming).

“Lysander Spooner’s The Unconstitutionality of Slavery: A Case Study in Constitutional Hermeneutics, Ethical Argument, and Practical Reason” in Making the Case: Advocacy and Judgment in Public Argument, eds. Kathryn Olson, Michael William Pfau, Benjamin Ponder, and Kirt Wilson (East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press, 2012), pp. 45-85.

(With Jennifer Mercieca) “Analyzing Constitutive Rhetorics: The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions and the ‘Principles of ‘98’” in The Handbook of Rhetoric and Public Address, eds. Shawn J. Parry-Giles and J. Michael Hogan (Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2010), pp. 313-341.

(With John Murphy) “Time, Space, and Generic Reconstitution: Martin Luther King’s ‘A Time to Break Silence’ as Radical Jeremiad” in Public Address and Moral Judgment: Critical Studies in Ethical Tensions, ed. Trevor Parry-Giles (East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 2009), pp. 97-125.

A. Susan Owen

A. Susan Owen and Peter Ehrenhaus. (January 2014). “The Moore’s Ford Lynching Reenactment: Affective Memory and Race Trauma. Text and Performance Quarterly 34 (1): 72-90.

A. Susan Owen. (July 2011). “Expertise and Holocaust Memory in Cinema.” Social Epistemology: A Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Policy 25 (3): 233-247.

A. Susan Owen and Peter Ehrenhaus. Review Essay. “Looking at Lynching: Spectacle, Resistance and Contemporary Transformations.” Quarterly Journal of Speech 97 (1), 100-113.

A. Susan Owen and Peter Ehrenhaus. (June 2010) “Communities of Memory, Entanglements, and Claims of the Past on the Present: Reading Race Trauma through The Green Mile.” Critical Studies in Media Communication 47 (2): 131-154.

A. Susan Owen. (2009). Review of Emmett Till and the Mississippi Press. Davis W. Houck and Matthew A. Grindy. Rhetoric and Public Address. 12 (2): 327-329.

Bianca Wolf

Kelley, D. L., Wolf, B.M., & Broberg, S.E. (forthcoming). Forgiveness communication and health. In Oxford research encyclopedia of communication. New York: Oxford University Press.

Fisher, C., & Wolf, B. (2015). Morality and family communication when coping with cancer. In V. Waldron & D. Kelley (Eds.) Good relationships: Moral communication across the lifespan. New York: Peter Lang.

Young, L.B., O’Toole, C., & Wolf, B. (2015). Communication skills for dental health care providers. Hanover Park, IL: Quintessence Publishing.

Wolf, B. (2015). Do families communally cope with breast cancer or is it just talk? Qualitative Health Research, Advance online publication. doi: 10.1177/1049732314549605

Braithwaite, D.O., Wackernagel Bach, B., Baxter L.A., DiVerniero, R., Hammonds, J., Nunziata, A., Willer, E., & Wolf, B. (2010). Constructing Family: A Typology of Voluntary Kin. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 27(3): 388-407.

Bylund, C.L., Baxter, L.A., Imes, R.S., & Wolf, B. (2010). Parental rule socialization for preventative health and adolescent rule compliance. Family Relations, 59: 1-13.

Baxter, L. A., & Wolf, B. (2009). Turning points in relationships. In H. T. Reis & S. K. Sprecher (Eds.), Encyclopedia of human relationships (3rd ed.) (Vols 1-3). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Nicholas Brody

Brody, N., & Vangelisti, A.L. (2014, July). Bystander intervention in cyberbullying: The role of relational closeness, visual anonymity, and number of bystanders. Paper to be presented at the International Association of Relational Research Conference, Melbourne, AU.

Brody, N., & Vangelisti, A.L. (2014, May). Bystander intervention in cyberbullying. Paper to be presented at the International Communication Association Convention, Seattle, WA.

Merola, N., Brody, N., Lefebvre, L., & Blackburn, K. (2014, May). Spying on the ones we love: Antecedents and outcomes of post-breakup surveillance on Facebook. Paper to be presented at the International Communication Association Convention, Seattle, WA.

Blackburn, K., Lefebvre, L., Brody, N., & Merola, N. (2014, February). When “I” met you: Exploring how individuals tell relationship origin stories. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Austin, TX.

Dailey, R. M., Crook., B., Brody, N., &LeFebvre, L., (2013, November). Fluctuations in on-again/off-again romantic relationships: Foreboding or functional? Paper presented at the National Communication Association Convention, Washington, D.C.

Derek Buescher

“A Heretic of Law: Lieutenant Commander Charles Swift’s Challenge to Executive Authority in the War on Terror.” With Kent A, Ono, Alta Argumentation Conference, Alta, UT, August 2013.

"Exceptional Torture: Torture Imagery as Neocolonial Rhetoric." National Communication Association (NCA), Orlando, FL, November 2012

“The Logics of Heresy in the Case of Lt. Daniel Choi.” With Kent A. Ono, National Communication Association (NCA), Orlando, FL, November 2012.

"Shadows upon the Landscape: Occidentalizing Neocolonialism in the Cinematic Reclamation of German Euro-White Masculinity in The North Face." National Communication Association (NCA), New Orleans, LA. November 2011.

"Visualizing Heretical Argument: The Incongruent Imagery of Pfc. Jessica Lynch." With Kent A. Ono, Alta Argumentation Conference, Alta, UT, August 2011.

“Rhetorical Heresy and the Content of Citizenship.” with Kent A. Ono, National Communication Association (NCA), Chicago, IL, November 2009, competitive paper.

“Training Citizens: International Debate as Preparation for Civic Engagement.” with Xi Li, China Association for Intercultural Communication and Association for Chinese Communication Studies, International Conference between China and the World, Beijing, China, June 2009.

Dexter Gordon

“Impertinent Relations in the Liberal Arts: Our Critical Moment, Race, Pedagogy, and Community,” Daedalus Lecture. Wednesday November 13, 2013, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA.

“Reasoning with The Sons of Thunder: Orality, Literature, Culture, and Identity in The Americas.” Presented at “Moment-us: Celebrating the Present, Planning the Future,” 35th Annual meeting of the Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, and Gender, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA, October 10, 2012.

“Black Identity: Under Production.” Presented at the University of Miami. Miami, FL: Feb 15, 2012. Paper.

“Reproducing Black Alienation, Re-civilizing Blackness, and Re-inscribing White Racial Redemption in The Help.” Annual Convention of the National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA November 17, 2011. Paper.

“What is the Role of Public Education”? Puyallup High School teachers at the Puyallup Secondary Supplemental Cultural Competence Day on “Closing the Achievement Gap Continuing the Conversation.” Puyallup, WA: August, 30, 2011. Keynote Address.

“Educating African American Students.” Annual Conference of the Black Child Development Institute, Seattle, WA: June, 2011. Keynote Address.

“The Race and Pedagogy Initiative” With Sabrina Register Comcast Newsmakers. November 2010. Interview.

“Race and Pedagogy Initiative University of Puget Sound.” W. K. KELLOGG FOUNDATION: Community-Based Racial Healing. September 2009. (Developed with Jane Kenyon, Grace Livingston, and Alice Coil). Grant Proposal.

“Teaching and Learning for Racial Justice: Danger and Opportunity in Our Critical Moment.” Fair Haven College’s World Issues Forum, Fairhaven College of Interdisciplinary Studies, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA: May 25, 2011. Keynote Address.

“Rethinking and Redirecting the Discursive Project on Race.” Annual Convention of the National Communication Association, San Francisco, CA: November 14-18, 2010. Paper.

“The History, Research, and Challenges in the Making of the Tacoma Civil Rights Project Documentary, Tacoma’s Civil Rights Struggle: African Americans Leading the Way. Presented, in a session I also chaired, at the Association for the African American Historical Research and Preservation’s Biennial Conference (AAAHRP), Seattle, WA: March 21, 2009. Paper/Panel.

Renee Houston

Houston, R. (February, 2014). Where are the men? Empowering female faculty's participation in recruiting and retaining women in computing. Paper presented to the Western States Communication Association Annual Meeting.

Quinn, M and Houston, R. (October, 2013). Dialectics of poverty and progress: Dis/empowerment and Getting Ahead. Conference of the Organization for the Study of Communication, Language and Gender, Houghton, Michigan.

Houston, R., Weisz, C. & Kirby, E. (November, 2012). (Re)Producing Homelessness: A multimethod analysis of the impact of media framing on perceptions about and experiences of homelessness. Paper presented at the Conference of the National Communication Association, Orlando Florida.

Weisz, C. & Houston, R. (January, 2012). Stigma Concerns about Homelessness and Race as Predictors of Service Use. Poster Presented at the Conference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, CA.

Weisz, C., Houston, R., & Quinn, D. M. (January, 2011). Anticipating Stigma: The double burden of homelessness and race. Poster presented at the Convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Antonio, TX.

Weisz, C., & Houston, R. (January, 2010). Stereotype threat concerns among Black and White men experiencing homelessness. Poster presented at the Convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Las Vegas, NV.

Houston, R. (October, 2010) Rolling up your sleeves: Communicating through community for sustainable change. Paper presented at the Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, and Gender Conference, Tampa, FL.

Weisz, C. & Houston, R.. (April, 2009). Criminal history and homelessness. Poster presented at the conference of the Western Psychological Association, Portland, OR.

Weisz, C., Houston, R., & Quinn, D. M. (February, 2009). Stigmatized identities and the well-being of individuals without homes: Effects of multiple intersecting stigmas. Poster presented at the Convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Tampa, FL.

James Jasinski

“‘Of Balloons and Bicycles’: Representing Practical Reason in Spielberg/Kushner’s Lincoln,” National Communication Association Convention, Washington, DC, November, 2013.

“Reconstituting a Prudential Middle Ground Regarding Racial Classifications: From Bakke to Parents Involved,” Rhetoric Society of America Biennial Conference, Philadelphia, May 2012.

The Unstable Moral Middle Ground in Lincoln’s ‘Cooper Union’ Address” National Communication Association Convention, New Orleans, LA, November, 2011.

“A Prudential Approach to the Problem of Method in Rhetorical Criticism” National Communication Association Convention, San Francisco, CA, November, 2010.

“Audacity and Accommodation in Green v. County School Board of New Kent County,” Sixteenth NCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation, Alta, UT, August 2009.

A. Susan Owen

(May 2014). Peter Ehrenhaus and A. Susan Owen. “Visual Representations of Disappearance Lynching: Border Crossings in the 1964 Freedom Summer.” Rhetoric Society of America, San Antonio, TX.

(November 2013). A. Susan Owen and Peter Ehrenhaus. “Memory, Trauma and Cinematic Framing: Reading In the Heat of the Night through the 1964 Mississippi Freedom Summer Murders.” National Communication Association, Washington, D.C.

(May 2012). A. Susan Owen. Supersession: Rhetoric and Film. Rhetoric Society of America 15th Biennial Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

(February 2011). A. Susan Owen. “Cinematic Responses to War: Gendered Politics in In the Valley of Elah.” Western States Communication Association, Monterey, CA

(May 2010). A. Susan Owen. “Visual Rhetoric and American War Cinema Since 9/11.” Rhetoric Society of America, Minneapolis, MN.

(May 2010). A. Susan Owen. Respondent. “Vampires and the Pathology of Everyday Life.Rhetoric Society of America 14th Biennial Conference. Minneapolis, MN.

(July 2010). A. Susan Owen. Plenary Address. “Rhetorical Criticism and the Moving Image.” National Communication Association Summer Conference: Teaching Rhetorical Criticism/Critical Inquiry. University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA.

(July 2010). A. Susan Owen. “The Role of Writing in Criticism and Critical Inquiry Courses.” National Communication Association Summer Conference: Teaching Rhetorical Criticism/Critical Inquiry. University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA.

(October 2010). A. Susan Owen. Co-Chair, Program Planning Committee. Race and Pedagogy National Conference: Teaching and Learning for Justice. University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA

(November 2010). A. Susan Owen. “Conventions of Representation in Holocaust Films: Tracing the Shifting Terrain of Traumatic Memory.” National Communication Association Conference, San Francisco, CA.

(February 2009). A. Susan Owen. Respondent/Facilitator. “Present Pasts: Mediated Negotiations of Commemoration, Memory and History.” Western States Communication Association. Mesa, AZ.

(February 2009). A. Susan Owen. Chair. “Rethinking Race, Theory, and Racialized Rhetoric.” Western States Communication Assoiation. Mesa, AZ.

(February 2009). A. Susan Owen. Roundtable Discussion. “Constructing Mediated Memory of Race Lynching: The Moore’s Ford Lynching Reenactment.” Western States Communication Association, Mesa, AZ.

Bianca Wolf

Wolf, B., & Fisher, C.L. (2015). Contradictions of morality in mother-daughter breast cancer coping: A dialectical perspective of the “right” way to cope. Presented at the World Congress of Psycho-Oncology in Washington, D.C.

Fisher, C. L., & Wolf, B. (2014). Addressing morality in mother-daughter breast cancer coping approaches: Developing healthy communication practices for women diagnosed across the life span. Presented at the International Cancer Education Conference in Clearwater Beach, FL.

Wolf, B. (2012). Complicating communal coping through an examination of family member talk of breast cancer experiences. Presented at the International Communication Association Convention in Phoenix, AZ.

Wolf, B. (2012). Expert Panel - Abusing the sick role and framing Susan G. Komen as insincere: Dark implications of social support for women with breast cancer. Presented in the Health Communication Division at the National Communication Association Convention in Orlando, FL.

Fisher, C. L., Wolf, B., Pipe, T. B., & Piemonte, N. (2012). Managing difficult topics for mothers and daughters coping with breast cancer: Communication strategies to enhance young-adult daughters' comfort. Presented at the European Association for Communication in Healthcare International Conference in St. Andrews, Scotland.

Fisher, C. L., Pipe, T. B., Wolf, B., Canzona, M., & Piemonte, N. (2012). Enhancing mother-daughter coping and breast cancer prevention behavior: Challenging topics for young-adult daughters. Presented at the European Association for Communication in Healthcare International Conference in St. Andrews, Scotland.

Wolf, B. (2011). Family member assessments of significant turning points and their impact on well-being occurring throughout a breast cancer experience. Presented at the American Psychosocial Oncology Society Conference in Anaheim, CA.

Wolf, B. (2010). Expert Panel - Family member experiences with breast cancer / Family communication and health and disability-related stressors: Diverse approaches and cross-disciplinary efforts. Presented in the Family Communication Division at the National Communication Association Convention in San Francisco, CA.

Wolf, B. (2010). Expert Panel - Disclosing insider/outsider cancer experience during data collection / Bridges and walls: Negotiating insider/outsider identity while researching particular communities. Presented in the Health Communication Division at the National Communication Association Convention in San Francisco, CA.