Sun Young Ahn
Associate Professor and Nat S. and Marian W. Rogers Professor, School of Business and Leadership
Lynnette Claire
Professor and Director, Business and Leadership
Faculty default
Visiting Assistant Professor, School of Business and Leadership
Faculty default
Professor, Business and Leadership
Ania Kapalczynski
Assistant Professor, School of Business and Leadership
Alan Krause
Professor, Business and Leadership
Jeff Matthews
Professor and Director, Business and Leadership, and George Frederick Jewett Distinguished Professor
Hannah Nguyen
Visiting Assistant Professor, School of Business and Leadership
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Professor, Business and Leadership
Nila Wiese
Professor, Business and Leadership and Professor, Latin American Studies

Emeriti Faculty

Professor Emeritus, School of Business and Leadership
Professor Emerita, School of Business and Leadership
Professor Emeritus, School of Business and Leadership
Professor Emerita, School of Business and Leadership
Professor Emeritus, School of Business and Leadership
Professor Emeritus, School of Business and Leadership
Professor Emeritus, School of Business and Leadership
Professor Emerita, School of Business and Leadership