The studio art program values exposing students to a wide range of outside voices in order to broaden students’ understandings of contemporary art and their personal, artistic practices. The department regularly organizes talks, critiques, and workshops with artists, curators and/or critics who bring a range of perspectives and expertise to the department.

Visiting Artists

Wendy Cabrera Rubio was the inaugural participant in the International Artist in Residence at the University of Puget Sound, sponsored by Latino/a Studies and Art and Art History in March-April 2024. Her exhibition titled Mendel’s Theatre: A Twentieth-Century American Drama curated by Jairo Antonio Hoyos Galvis was on view in Kittredge Gallery.

 Sculptor Humaira Abid offers critique to a studio art major
 Sculptor Humaira Abid offers critique to a studio art major during her 2018 Living Art Residency