• Oral and written fluency in the French language
  • About the rich cultures of France and Francophone countries
  • How to read and discuss different forms of literary and nonliterary writing in French
  • How to make connections between various disciplines using international knowledge and global values


  • English teacher in schools in France
  • International NGO employee
  • Researcher/International policy analyst
  • Lawyer
  • Journalist
  • International program coordinator


Parlez-vous français? Are you interested in becoming proficient in French and experiencing the culture of France or a Francophone country firsthand? The French & Francophone Studies program at Puget Sound helps students progress from the basics of language learning through senior- level critical coursework in the French language. Our curriculum focuses on the culture and civilization of France and the Francophone world, and promotes oral and written fluency in French through a variety of course offerings, cocurricular activities, and study abroad.

The French & Francophone Studies department offers interdisciplinary majors that allow students to pursue individual academic interests. While studying the French language, culture, and literature, each student can choose a French major that emphasizes or complements their academic interests. A French minor is also offered.