Mosaic floor from a cold water room of a public bath, Antioch, ca. 400, J. P. Getty Museum

This Year's Guest Lecturers
Dr. Edward (Ned) Schoolman, Professor of History, University of Nevada, Rena, public lecture on Oc. 2, 2023: "Climate, Environment, and Society in the Premodern Mediterranean;" class visit to ARTH 362: "Baths and Bathing Culture and More in Late Antiquity"
Dr. Andrew Griebeler '09, Postdoctoral Fellow, Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies, Princeton University, public lecture: "Ecopolitical Imagery in Norman Sicily;" class visit to ARTH 362: "Medusa in Late Antiquity," Oct. 9, 2023
Last Year's Guest Lecturers
Dr. Mario Zimmermann, a specialist in Maya archaeology and Redford Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Puget Sound, gave a talk in October 2022 in ARTH 294 about the scholarly methods used by archaeologists.
Michelle Reynolds ‘12, Tacoma Art Museum, Associate Director of Marketing and Communications presented a talk in ARTH 494 about her graduate school and professional experiences.
Gabriel Perez Setright, a Nicaraguan artist, organizer and educator currently based in Philadelphia gave a talk in LAS 387 (Art and Revolution in Latin America). A guest writer for Hora Cero and Revista Descartable, he is a member of Taller Nepantla, a trans-national anti-capitalist art collective focused on creating grassroots arts infrastructure, research and critique. His talk, titled "Key Points in Contemporary Art of Nicaragua, 1980 to the present," gave particular attention to art of the past five years and included his own work.
John Mraz gave two talks on Mexican photography and film in LAS 387 (Art and Revolution in Latin America). Marz, a Research Professor at the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Puebla, Mexico, is a film maker and a curator of photography and film. He is also the author of 16 books.
Dr. Andrew Griebeler ’09, USC Postdoctoral Fellow gave a public lecture titled “Observation and Inquiry in the Earliest Botanical Illustrations” in April 2021 and gave a talk in ARTH 494 titled “The Academic Publication Profess” in March 2021. Both talks were sponsored by the Interdisciplinary Humanities Program.
Louisa Raitt ’15 (PhD student at NYU) and Mary Thompson ’19 gave a joint talk in ARTH 494 titled “Professional Employment and Application to Graduate School,” in March 2021.
Dr. Ian Randall (Redford Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Puget Sound) gave a talk in ARTH 294 titled “The Methods of Archaeology” in October 2020.
Visiting Artist, Sama Alshaibi, (Professor of Photography, University of Arizona) gave a talk about her work in ARTH 294 in October 2020.
Professor Haicheng Wang, University of Washington, Beautiful Writing in Ancient Egypt and China, public talk, February 19, 2019
Visiting artist, Humaira Abid gave an artist talk in ARTH 294/494 in October 2018.
Professor Delin Lai, University of Louisville, Defining the Present Perfect Tense of I. M. Pei’s Architectural Space, public talk, October 17, 2018.
Visiting artist, Henry Mandell gave a talk about his work with the Rothko Archive in ARH 294/494 in April 2018.
Dr. Megan Daniels, Redford Archaeology Fellow with a Ph.D. from Stanford University, gave a lecture on the history and methodology of the discipline of archaeology in ARTH 294 in April 2017.
Dr. Ellen Hurst, Ph.D. from the CUNY Graduate Center, gave a lecture on her research focused on the interaction between Muscovite and Italian architecture of the early modern period in ARTH 294 in February 2017.
Dr. Abigail Susik, Assistant Professor of Art History, Willamette University, gave a guest lecture exploring her methodological approach in ARTH 294 in April 2016.
Dr. Ili Nagy, Professor Emerita of the University of Puget Sound, gave a guest lecture on Etruscan mirrors in ARTH 361 in April 2016.
Dr. Rossitza Schroeder, Associate Professor of Art History, Pacific School of Religion of the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, CA, presented a lecture on the late Byzantine monastic church’s decoration Chora in Constantinople in ARTH 362 in November 2015. She also gave a public lecture on her recent project, entitled: The Sultan’s Icon: Gentile Bellini’s Portrait of Mehmed II and the Sacred Rhetoric.
Michael Cherney, photographer, and calligrapher gave a lecture entitled "The Sun is Not So Central” in March 2015.
Dr. Xiaofeng Huang, Associate Professor of Art History at Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing, gave a lecture addressing the iconography of the rainscape in the history of Chinese art and its political symbolism in the case of Chinese painter Fu Baoshi (1904–1965), entitled "How Does Rain Transform Chinese Landscape Painting: Fu Baoshi’s Rainscape in 20th Century China" in November 2014.
Dr. Melanie Herzog, Professor of Art History, Edgewood College, Madison, WI, gave a guest lecturer entitled "’My Art Speaks for Both My Peoples:’ Elizabeth Catlett, Prints and Sculptures" in February 2014.
Dr. Alicia Walker, Assistant Professor of Art History, Bryn Mawr College, gave a guest lecture entitled “Byzantine Art and the Ethics of Sexual Desire” in ARTH 362 in November 2013.
Xu Yongmin, prize-winning painter and President of the Hubei Institute of Fine Arts in Wuhan, gave a lecture entitled “Changing Art Education in China’s Art Academies” in March 2012.
Professor Gao Shiming, Vice President, China Art Academy, Hangzhou, China, made a campus talk on “From Farewell to Rehearsal: Critical Thinking from a Chinese Curator of Contemporary Art” November 2011.
Dr. Lisa Nevett, Associate Professor of Classical Archaeology, University of Michigan, gave a guest lecture entitled “The Art of Dark Age Greece,” in Art 360 in February 2009. She also presented the Lora Bryning-Redford public lecture in Archaeology, entitled: About the House in Ancient Greece: The Archaeology of Ancient Households.
Professor Kunpei Kawachi of the Daito Bunka Daigaku (Eastern Culture University), Tokyo, Japan, had a solo exhibition of his paintings, poetry, and calligraphy in Kittredge Gallery as the Chism visiting artist and delivered a campus lecture on “The Art of Kukai, the Sage of Calligraphy in Japan” in October 2008.
Dr. Brenda Longfellow ‘94, Assistant Professor, University of Iowa, gave a Chism guest lecture in ARTH 361 in April 2008 entitled “Haven’t I Seen This Before? Reusing Statues in Antiquity.”
Dr. Christopher Hallett, Associate Professor, UC Berkeley, gave a guest lecture entitled “A New Antonine Portrait Head from Aphrodisias” in October 2006.
Dr. Jeffrey Collins, Professor, Bard Graduate Center, gave a guest lecture entitled “Marshaling the Muses: Visualizing Greece in Papal Rome” in October 2006.
Professor Michael Sullivan, Fellow Emeritus of St. Catherine’s College, Oxford University, gave a campus lecture on “Building on Friendship: Sixty Years of Modern Chinese Art” in March 2005.
Professor Cao Yiqiang, Dean of the School of the Humanities, China Art Academy, and a Senior Fellow of National Gallery of Art, Washington, delivered a campus lecture on “Unintended Consequences: Social Reformist and Calligrapher Kang Youwei’s Italian Tour (1904) and Art Revolution in China” in March 2002.