The University of Puget Sound is ready and prepared to communicate with members of its community in case of local, regional, national, or international emergency.

Emergency Notification

The campus community will be notified about major emergencies in one or more of the following ways:

  • Security Alerts
    Students, faculty, and staff receive emergency Security Alerts via a text message to their personal cell phone and/or university email. Students, faculty, and staff can provide or update their cell phone number through the portal in myPugetSound. Active Security Alerts are posted on the university website.
  • Talk-a-phone Wide-Area Broadcast System
    Seven campus Talk-a-Phone towers deliver outdoor loudspeaker announcements in the case of an emergency.
  • Campus Website
    Home page announcement on
  • Campuswide Email or Voice Mail Message
    Sent to campus email addresses and phone extensions.
  • Emergency Info Line
    Recorded message on 253.879.4900.

Our emergency response plans describe procedures to follow during an emergency.


The question and answer section contains information about the university's preparedness planning.


Not sure who to contact with urgent concerns about emergencies? Check the numbers listed on the right.

Help for faculty and staff

Current world events are creating stress and anxiety for most of us. Unum Life Balance has created special resources that offer individualized, thoughtful coping support-articles, resource links and online discussion boards. Unum Life Balance also provides easy access to professional support 24/7; call 800.854.1446 (English), 877.858.2147 (Spanish), or 800.999.3004 (TTY/TDD) or visit their website at (user ID and password are "lifebalance").

National Advisories

Local and national news media