NOTE: This requirement is part of the previous Core, and only applies to students on the 2023-24 or prior Bulletin years. Please see the current Core and graduation requirements here.

(one unit to be taken after completion of all other university core requirements, in the junior or senior year.)

Learning Objectives

Students in Connections courses develop their understanding of the interrelationship of fields of knowledge by exploring connections and contrasts between various disciplines with respect to disciplinary methodology and subject matter.


  1. Connections courses draw upon the curricula of either established disciplines or the University's interdisciplinary programs. These courses may involve the collaboration of faculty from more than one department or the efforts of individual faculty with interdisciplinary expertise and interests.
  2. In the Connections course, students engage the interdisciplinary process by
    1. identifying multiple disciplinary approaches to a subject;
    2. analyzing the subject from these perspectives;
    3. participating in cross-disciplinary dialogue; and
    4. exploring the integration or synthesis of these approaches to foster understanding of the subject.
  3. Connections courses explore these interdisciplinary issues at a level of sophistication expected of an upper division course. These courses may have appropriate prerequisites, so long as they do not unduly limit the audience in numbers or in level of disciplinary sophistication.
  4. The Connections course must be taken at Puget Sound.

Approved Courses

  • AFAM 346 African Americans and American Law
  • AFAM 355 African American Women in American History
  • AFAM 360 The Art and Politics of the Civil Rights Era
  • AFAM 375 The Harlem Renaissance
  • AFAM 401 Narratives of Race
  • ALC 340 First Encounters: Japan and Europe in the 16th Century
  • ASIA 305 Heroes and Rebels: Martial Arts Culture in China and Beyond
  • ASIA 344 Asia in Motion
  • CONN 303 Art-Science: Inquiry into the Intersection of Art, Science, and Technology
  • CONN 304 The Invention of Britishness: History and Literature
  • CONN 307 Hooch: The Natural and Social Science of Liquor
  • CONN 308 People and Portfolios
  • CONN 309 Applied Environmental Politics and Agenda Setting
  • CONN 311 Interactive Fiction
  • CONN 313 Biomimicry and Bioart
  • CONN 318 Crime and Punishment
  • CONN 320 Health and Medicine
  • CONN 322 Jihad, Islamism, and Colonial Legacies
  • CONN 325 The Experience of Prejudice
  • CONN 330 Finding Germany: Memory, History, and Identity in Berlin
  • CONN 333 Nations and Nationalism in Modern Europe
  • CONN 334 Truth and Reconciliation in South Africa and Beyond
  • CONN 335 Race and Multiculturalism in the American Context
  • CONN 340 Gender and Communication
  • CONN 344 Magic and Religion
  • CONN 345 Economics of Happiness
  • CONN 350 Modeling Earth’s Climate
  • CONN 354 Hormones, Sex, Society, & Self
  • CONN 357 Exploring Animal Minds
  • CONN 359 The United States in the 1960s
  • CONN 365 The Science & Practice of Mindfulness
  • CONN 370 Rome: Sketchbooks and Space Studies
  • CONN 372 The Gilded Age: Literary Realisms and Historical Realities
  • CONN 375 The Art and Science of Color
  • CONN 377 Caesar in Vietnam: PTSD in the Ancient World?
  • CONN 379 Postcolonial Literature and Theory
  • CONN 387 Never-Never Land
  • CONN 390 Black Business Leadership: Past and Present
  • CONN 393 The Cognitive Foundations of Morality and Religion
  • CONN 395 China and Latin America: A New Era of Transpacific Relations
  • CONN 397 Migration and the Global City
  • CONN 410 Science and Economics of Climate Change
  • CONN 420 The American Progressive Ideal
  • CONN 478 Animals, Law, and Society
  • CONN 480 Informed Seeing
  • CONN 481 Gamblers, Liars, and Cheats
  • ENVR 325 Geological and Environmental Catastrophes
  • ENVR 330 Water and Wild Nature
  • ENVR 335 Thinking About Biodiversity
  • GLAM 330 Theories of Myth
  • GQS 320 Queerly Scientific: Exploring the Influence of Identity on Scientific Knowledge Production
  • HON 401 What is America?
  • HUM 301 The Idea of the Self
  • HUM 302 Mystics, Knights, and Pilgrims: The Medieval Quest
  • HUM 303 The Monstrous Middle Ages
  • HUM 330 Tao and Landscape Art
  • HUM 368 A Precious Barbarism: Enlightenment, Ideology, and Colonialism
  • IPE 389 Global Struggles Over Intellectual Property
  • IPE 405 The Idea of Wine
  • IPE 427 Competing Perspectives on the Material World
  • LAS 380 Around Macondo in Eighty Days
  • LAS 387 Art and Revolution in Latin America
  • LAS 399 Latin America Travel Seminar
  • REL 301 Consciousness and the Bourgeoisie
  • REL 302 Ethics and the Other
  • STHS 301 Technology and Culture
  • STHS 302 Cancer and Society
  • STHS 318 Science and Gender
  • STHS 330 Evolution and Society Since Darwin
  • STHS 333 Evolution and Ethics
  • STHS 340 Finding Order in Nature
  • STHS 345 Science and War in the Modern World
  • STHS 347 Alchemy and Chemistry: Historical Perspectives
  • STHS 348 Strange Realities: Physics in the 20th and 21st Centuries
  • STHS 352 Memory in a Social Context
  • STHS 354 Murder and Mayhem under the Microscope
  • STHS 361 Mars Exploration
  • STHS 370 Science and Religion in the United States: From Evolution to Climate Change
  • STHS 375 Science, Technology, and Politics