% Exit
The percentage of users who leave the site from a given page as a share of total page views.

Bounce Rate
The percentage of visits in which the visitor enters and exits on the same page without visiting any other pages on the site in between.

A single instance of a visitor clicking a link from one page to another on the same site.

Click Path
The sequence of clicks that website visitors follow on a site.

Click-through Rate (CTR)
The percentage of people who view an item and then click on it. Calculated by dividing the number of clicks by the number of impressions.

Depth of Visit (page views per session)
The average number of pageviews a visitor initiates before ending his session; calculated by dividing the total number of page views by the total number of sessions.

First Visit
The first visit from a visitor who has not previously visited the site.

A request for a file from a Web server. Note that a hit is not the same as a page view: a single page can have multiple elements (text, images, attached files, etc.) that need to be individually loaded from the server. For example, a Web page that includes four images would result in five hits to the server.

A single display of an item on a Web page, such as an advertisement.

A measurement of how often visitors come to a website; calculated by dividing the total number of sessions or visits by the total number of unique visitors.

New Visitor
A visitor who has not made previous visits to a particular website.

A display of a complete Web page. One visitor looking at a single page on your site generates one pageview. Pageview counts typically don't include error pages or those pages viewed by Web crawlers or robots. Note that a page view is not the same as a hit.

Pageview Duration (time on page)
The average amount of time that visitors spend on each page of a website.

Repeat Visitor
A visitor who has made at least one previous visit to a website.

A series of pageviews from the same visitor with no more than 30 minutes between pageviews and no visits to other sites between page views. Unlike a visit, a session ends when a visitor opens a page on another site.

Single Page Visit
A visit where only a single page is viewed.

Time on Site (length of visit)
The average amount of time that visitors spend on a website each time they visit.

Unique Visitor
A visitor who visits your site one or more times within a given timeframe, typically a single 24-hour period. A visitor can make multiple visits during that timeframe, but this counts as a single unique visitor. For example, a user visiting your site twice in one day is counted as a single unique visitor.

A series of pageviews from the same visitor with no more than 30 minutes between page views. Unlike a session, a visit continues even after a visitor leaves your site (i.e., if they come back within 30 minutes after visiting that other site).