Date |
Lecture Information |
September 5 |
Cognitive Bias in Domestic Dogs and Horses (abstract) Robin Foster, PhD, Research Professor University of Puget Sound, Department of Psychology 4 p.m., Thompson 175 |
September 12 |
Fall Student Research Symposium All summer science research students will present posters of their research 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., Harned Colonnade |
September 19 |
Design, Synthesis, and Evaluation of New Drugs for African Sleeping Sickness Dr. Amy Dounay, Associate Professor of Chemistry Colorado College, Department of Chemistry 4 p.m., Thompson 175 |
September 26 |
Biology can do that?! How little microbes can have a big impact on national security Alex Titus, Head of Biotechnology United States Department of Defense 4 p.m., Thompson 175 |
October 3 |
Rapid evolution of HIV drug resistance through time and space Alison Feder, Miller Postdoctoral Fellow University of California Berkeley, Department of Integrative Biology 4 p.m., Thompson 175 |
October 10 |
Domestication of Bacteria by Maple Aphids Marie Bunker, Research Technician University of Puget Sound, Department of Biology 4 p.m., Thompson 175 |
October 17 |
Setting temporal baselines for benthic resources using Conservation Paleobiology Julieta Martinelli, Postdoctoral Researcher University of Washington, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences 4 p.m., Thompson 175 |
October 24 |
Seeing without eyes: Functional evolution of the light receptor phytochrome Andreas Madlung, Professor University of Puget Sound, Department of Biology 4 p.m., Thompson 175 |
October 31 |
The deer of the U.S. Virgin Islands: A case study in environmental resiliency Suzanne Nelson, Fish and Wildlife Biologist U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service 4 p.m., Thompson 175 |
November 7 |
Primary succession and plant sex influence ecosystem function in streams of Mount St. Helens Carri LeRoy, Professor Evergreen State College, Freshwater Ecology Lab 4 p.m., Thompson 175 |
November 14 |
A Sticky Situation: the mechanisms maintaining a trichome dimorphism in nature Jay Goldberg ('13), PhD Candidate University of Indiana 4 p.m., Thompson 175 |
November 21 |
Flow sensing in predator-prey interactions (abstract) Daisuke Takagi, Associate Professor University of Hawaii, Department of Mathematics 4 p.m., Thompson 175 |
November 28 | Thanksgiving |
December 5 |
State of the Climate Series: Climate Dissonance Peter Hodum and Kristin Johnson, Professors University of Puget Sound, Departments of Biology, EPDM and Science, Technology, and Society 4 p.m., Thompson 175 |