In this section

Fall 2018 Schedule

August 30

Retooling an Enzyme: Converting a Glycosidase into a Thioglycoligase

John Hanson, Professor

University of Puget Sound, Department of Chemistr

4 pm, Thompson 175

September 6

Fall Student Research Symposium

All summer science research students will present posters of their research

4 pm to 6 pm, Harned Colonnade

September 13

From the Forest to the Deep Blue Sea, Wood Shapes Animal Communities

Jenna Judge

Puget Sound Partnership

4 pm, Thompson 175

September 20

Probing Natural Products Biosynthesis with Chemical Reporters

Tony Davis, Postdoctoral Fellow

University of California, San Diego

4 pm, Thompson 175

September 27

Is Race Real? A Century of Asking the Wrong Question

Prof. John Jackson

James Madison College for Public Affairs and Public Policy, Michigan State University

4 pm, Thompson 175

October 4

Designing supramolecular assemblies for the molecular recognition of beta-chiral primary alcohols

Matt Minus, Postdoctoral Fellow

University of Texas at Austin

4 pm, Thompson 175

October 11

Shallow Urban Lakes Increase Arsenic Exposure from Legacy ASARCO Contamination

James Gawel, Associate Professor

University of Washington Tacoma, Department of Environmental Studies

4 pm, Thompson 175

October 18

Assessment of altered lipid homeostasis in human diseases by mass spectrometry​

Libin Xu, Assistant Professor

University of Washington, Department of Medicinal Chemistry

4 pm, Thompson 175

October 25

Snapping shrimps as a model system to explore marine biodiversity

Kristin Hultgren

Seattle University, Biology Department

4 pm, Thompson 175

November 1

The State of the Climate: 2018

Steven Neshyba and Barry Goldstein

University of Puget Sound, Departments of Chemistry and Geology

4 pm, Thompson 175 

November 8

Cancer evolution: Lessons from Barrett’s esophagus

Thomas Paulson, Sr. Staff Scientist

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle Barrett's Esophagus Program 

4 pm, Thompson 175

November 15

Chasing glaciers: life history and phenotypic changes associated with life at high elevation in western fence lizards (Sceloporus

occidentalis) in Yosemite National Park

Sima Bouzid

University of Washington, Department of Biology

4 pm, Thompson 175

November 22


November 29

Comprehensive identification of HIV envelope mutations that permit infection of Rhesus macaque

Jeremy Roop, Postdoctoral Fellow

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

4 pm, TH 175 

Spring 2019 Schedule

January 24

The effects of external flow on the feeding currents of sessile microorganisms

Rachel Pepper, Associate Professor

University of Puget Sound, Department of Physics

4 pm, Thompson 175

January 31

New Mass Spectrometry Based Technologies for Biophysics and Structural Biology (Abstract)

Matthew F. Bush, Assistant Professor​ of Chemistry

University of Washington

4 pm, Thompson 175

February 7

Outcomes of the Summer Science Research Student Survey: Where to go from here?

Amy Spivey and Kena Fox-Dobbs

University of Puget Sound

4 pm, Thompson 175

February 14

Environmental Change and Avian Life Histories: An Ecophysiological Perspective

Dan Ardia

Franklin and Marshall College

4 pm, Thompson 175

February 21

Conservation and Education Through Photography

Drew Collins, Founder of Made in Puget Sound

4 pm, Thompson 175

February 28

Beavers: Their Landscapes, Our Future

Ben Goldfarb, Science Writer

Author of Eager: The Surprising, Secret Life of Beavers and Why They Matter

4 pm, Thompson 175

March 7

Chemical Characterization and Control of Diesel-Related Air Pollution

Robert Harley

Carl W. Johnson Professor

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley 

4 pm, Thompson 175

March 14

Natural salinization of the Jemez Watershed, New Mexico: an insight from trace element geochemistry

Jon Golla

Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of New Mexico

4 pm, Thompson 175

March 21

Spring Break

March 28

Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Exotic Deep Sea Life Off Our Coast

Deborah Kelley

University of Washington, School of Oceanography

4 pm, Thompson 175

April 4

The ecology and evolution of high-altitude biodiversity in North America

Scott Hotaling, Postdoctoral Researcher

Washington State University

4 pm, Thompson 175

April 11

Saving Southern Resident Killer Whales

Joe Gaydos

SeaDOC Society

4 pm, Thompson 175

April 18

The Evolution and Development of Jaw Protrusion in Fishes

Dr. W. James Cooper, School of Biological Sciences

Washington State University

4 pm, Thompson 175

April 25

Untangling the Interfacial Details of Biologically and Environmentally Relevant Nanoemulsions

Andrew Carpenter, PhD Candidate

University of Oregon

4 pm, Thompson 175

May 2

Behavior in the city: Can we uncover personality traits in urban coyotes using movement ecology?

Chris Schell

University of Washington, Tacoma

4 pm, Thompson 175