August 31 |
Icy Invertebrates: A biodiversity tour of the Southern Ocean Megan Schwartz, PhD University of Washington, School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences 4 pm, Thompson 175 |
September 7 |
Fall Student Research Symposium All summer science research students will present posters of their research 4 pm to 6 pm, Harned Colonnade |
September 14 |
The dog aging project: Can old dogs teach us new tricks? Daniel Promislow University of Washington Department of Pathology 4 pm, Thompson 175 |
September 21 |
Genomic exploration of the plant domestication process through 18th century floral crops Aureliano Bombarely Virginia Tech, Department of Horticulture 4 pm, Thompson 175 |
September 28 |
Mt. St. Helens and our dangerous Pacific Northwest Steve Olson Author of Eruption: The Untold Story of Mt. St. Helens 4 pm, Thompson 175 |
October 5 |
Studying coevolution of viruses and antibody responses in HIV-infected mothers and infants Laura Noges Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center 4 pm, Thompson 175 |
October 12 |
Epigenetic bookmarking from exposure to hydrogen sulfide in C. elegans Dana Miller University of Washington School of Medicine, Department of Biophysics 4 pm, Thompson 175 |
October 19 |
Cellular and molecular mechanisms of auditory wiring Thomas M. Coate, Ph.D. Georgetown University, Department of Biology 4 pm, Thompson 175 |
October 26 |
Unlocking the genomes of museum specimens to address longstanding questions in avian biology Dave Slager University of Washington 4 pm, Thompson 175 |
November 2 |
LIGO and the era of gravitational wave astronomy Joey Shapiro Key University of Washington Bothell, Department of Physics 4 pm, Thompson 175 |
November 9 | Petrology and chemistry of meteorites from the moon and Mars: Windows into extraterrestrial geology
Anthony J. Irving University of Washington, Department of Earth & Space Sciences 4 pm, Thompson 175 |
November 16 | The Unalaska Sea Ice Project and its unlikely connection to the Slater Museum
Mike Etnier Western Washington University Research Associate in Zooarcheology 4 pm, Thompson 175 |
November 23 | Thanksgiving |
November 30 |
The biomechanics of gait Michael Pohl University of Puget Sound, Department of Exercise Science 4 pm, Thompson 175 |