“All-Gender Restroom” was the term selected by the Trans Advocacy & Inclusion Committee (TAIC) after receiving input and feedback from students, staff, and faculty, to be inclusive of all gender identities, including those individuals who identify as having no gender.

Not having access to safe restrooms not only has psychological impacts such as anxiety and fear of or actual harassment, but can also lead to risk of UTIs and other medical problems. To succeed at Puget Sound, all people need access to safe spaces on campus. All-Gender restrooms provide for more safety.

Campus map showing locations of all gender restrooms


Placement of the yellow icons does not reflect the actual location of the restrooms in each building, just the buildings in which All-Gender restrooms can be found. There is one icon for each All-Gender restroom. Please refer to the room numbers listed in the chart below for their locations within the buildings. See an interactive campus map with the location of the all-gender restrooms.

The table below does not include the all-gender restrooms or bathing facilities found in our campus residence halls as those are private student-only spaces not open to the public.However, the following residence halls have all-gender restrooms with showers: Anderson/Langdon, Seward, Thomas, Trimble, and Oppenheimer.

Map Key Building Room Number (#)
22 Kilworth Chapel – Basement, can be accessed by elevator. 005
25 Collins Memorial Library 210
43 Thompson Hall 192, 294, 396, 406
17 Howarth Hall 108
23 Kittredge Hall 204
51 Weyerhaeuser Hall 133
52 Wheelock Student Center 112B
10 Center for Intercultural and Civic Engagement 1F
3216 N. 13th St. Student Diversity Center (SDC) Full bathroom with shower
3224 N. 13th St. Social Justice Center (SJC) Single-Occupancy
20 Jones Hall 015
7 Thomas Hall 274, 276
28, 41 Athletics and Aquatics Center 102C, 102D
53 Wyatt Hall - Second floor, can be accessed by elevator Second floor near elevator