36th Annual University of Puget Sound Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration

All are invited to attend the University of Puget Sound's 36th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration on Tuesday, January 18, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. Due to heightened Covid precautions we will be hosting this event via webinar.
Our program will honor and highlight the life and work of local legend Nettie J. Asberry and her fight for civil rights in Tacoma and beyond. We will be featuring speakers from the Washington State Historical Society, The Nettie J. Homesite Project, and the Tacoma City Association of Colored Women's Clubs.
Please join us at https://pugetsound-edu.zoom.us/j/86530773394
To register visit bit.ly/mlkjcelebration.
Sponsored by Puget Sound's Office of Intercultural Engagement, Tacoma City Association of Colored Women's Clubs, Inc., Historic Tacoma, and the Washington State Historical Society.