These periodic updates are sent from the Dean of Students Office to all student staff in the Student Affairs Division, along with other student leaders. They offer an at-a-glance look at what the Division of Student Affairs is up to during the semester.
1. LogJam! Don't miss the annual activities fair hosted by ASUPS on Friday, Sept 6 in Jones Circle starting at 5pm.
2. Stop by for the first Donuts with the Dean of the semester - Wednesday, Sept from 10-11am in Wheelock lobby. Free sugar, free caffeine.
3. Home games you won't want to miss: women's soccer on Sun Sept 8 at 12pm, men's soccer on Thurs Sept 12 at 4pm. First home football game of the season features Pizza with the Prez at halftime - Saturday, Sept 14 at 1pm. Then catch women's volleyball on Thurs Sept 20 at 7pm.
4. I plan to meet with each student club and organization during this academic year. If you are in a leadership role in a club, keep an eye on your inbox.
5. Two identity-based welcomes coming up, hosted by our Passages team. Mark your calendar if you are interested in attending:
Loggers of Color Welcome
(Tomorrow) Wednesday, Sept. 4 | 5–6pm | Rotunda
The annual Students of Color Welcome is an opportunity for Black, Indigenous, Asian, Latino/Hispanic, bi- and multiracial students and those who identify as people of color to gather and welcome incoming students with these shared identities to campus. Light refreshments will be served.
LGBTQIA+ Welcome
Thursday, Sept. 12 | 5–6pm | Upper Marshall Hall
The annual LGBTQIA+ Welcome is an opportunity for incoming students who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or non-binary, queer, intersex, asexual, pansexual, agender, or as generally within the queer umbrella to meet and be welcomed by returning students, faculty, and staff who share these identities. Light refreshments will be served.