What does the CARE team do?
When a student struggles with personal and/or academic issues during a term, Puget Sound’s Campus Assessment, Response & Education (CARE) team, an inter-departmental team of University staff, quickly intervenes with that student.
Puget Sound community members (faculty, staff, students, or family members) may submit a Student of Concern Referral Form to the CARE team regarding any student at any time. A link to the preferred alert form is available in the faculty portal under Advising on the main menu. All non-student employees can find it on the myPugetSound portal, when they click the “Student Alerts and Concern” button. Faculty may also send an email directly to Landon Wade in Academic Advising.
The CARE team meets weekly and includes the following representatives:
- Academic Advising: Landon Wade (co-chair)
- Athletics: Casey Kushiyama
- Counseling, Health & Wellness (CHWS): Kelly Brown, Ph.D.
- Center for Student Support: Eric Hetland (co-chair)
- Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity: My Khanh Tran
- Residence Life: Colin O’Loughlin
- Security Services: Dave Ferber, Ph.D.
- Student Accountability & Restorative Practices: Amy Gauthier, Ph.D.