This page includes expectations for part-time instructors and information for department/program chairs supervising part-time instructors.

General Information for Part-Time Faculty and Their Supervisors

  1. Classes should be met by part-time instructors at all scheduled times and for the scheduled length of the class session, unless prior arrangements have been made with the head of the department.
  2. Part-time instructors should make themselves available for consultation with students in their class(es) on a reasonable basis.
  3. Course requirements and grading of student work should conform to the general standards of the University. Questions on these matters should be directed to the head of the department.
  4. Submission of all midterm and final grades should adhere to the schedule set forth in the Academic Calendar. Questions on this matter should be directed to the head of the department.
  5. Part-time instructors should adhere to the scheduled final examination period allocated for the time their class meets.
  6. Evaluation of faculty members is an important part of their professional development. To provide the part-time instructor and the department with sufficient information, every class taught by the part-time instructor will be evaluated; this will consist of feedback by students using the approved forms and, as appropriate, by the head of the department. This information will provide instructors with insight into their teaching and enable them to make any modifications which appear warranted. These evaluations should be reviewed regularly with the head of the department.

Email and Canvas Access for Part-Time Instructors

  • Once all the employment paperwork is in order and Human Resources has entered a part-time instructor into the system, an email will be created. Adjuncts will receive an email from to the email address on file from their employment application, which will contain their initial login information. Login privileges are deactivated 180 days after the end of the term.
  • To access Canvas, go to myPugetSound > Email Information > Activate Email. This sets the primary email address as your Puget Sound email and enables an instructor's record to be sent over to Canvas and create the account.