Dear members of the Puget Sound campus community,

Technology Services is excited to kick off Cybersecurity Awareness Month, a global initiative to promote online safety education, in October! This year’s theme is #SecureOurWorld. Throughout the month, you’ll be invited to engage with resources and participate in events to sharpen your cybersecurity skills and be entered to win one of several prizes.

Here are ways you can get involved:

  • Brush up on your cybersmarts. Technology Services has partnered with KnowBe4 to provide interactive, self-paced learning modules to help you learn how to protect your accounts, devices, and information at home, work, or school. To access the training materials, go to and click KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training. In line with Human Resources’ announcement in March about new training platforms and annual training requirements, faculty and staff should expect to receive an email about required training from

  • Ask away. Every Wednesday in October from 11 a.m.—1 p.m., members of Technology Services will have a table in the Wheelock Student Center. Drop by to ask questions, pick up resources, or grab a free sticker!

  • Keep learning. Participate in a live workshop on relevant cybersecurity topics. Course descriptions and information on how to register are available at

  • Put on your detective hat. You may receive a few simulated phishing messages throughout the month that look like real phishing emails. Treat them as you would normally treat a phishing message. This practice will help you gain hands-on experience recognizing and reporting phishing.

  • Dispose in style - securely and sustainably. Swing by the Tech Center in the lower level of Collins Memorial Library anytime from 9 a.m.—4 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 25, to e-cycle unwanted personal electronics with guaranteed data destruction.

Staying safe online may sound daunting, but you can easily level up your cybersecurity game by focusing on these four key behaviors: 

  1. Enabling multi-factor authentication

  2. Using strong passwords and a password manager

  3. Updating software

  4. Recognizing and reporting phishing

We are excited to engage with you this month as we explore easy ways to stay safe online. We also value your feedback. For additional details and to sign up for training, please visit

Thank you,

Francisco A Chavez, Chief Information Officer, Technology Services