• In warm weather months, personal property thefts increase; there tend to leave items, such as bicycles, jackets, backpacks, and other belongings lying around in the open. Keep your belongings with you or lock them in your room.
  • When studying outside, in the library, or any other public area, please do not leave your belongings; take them with you.
  • Always lock your doors when you leave, even if you only plan to be gone for a few minutes.
  • During the spring weather, many people open windows in their rooms and offices. Always remember to close and lock your windows when you leave or go to bed.
  • Always remember to roll up your car windows, take any valuables out of your car, and lock your doors every time you exit your vehicle.
  • Remember to secure your bicycle with a U-Bolt style lock. Unsure how to do this, call Security—we are happy to show you how.
  • Use Security’s 24/7 Safety Escort Service, call 253.879.3311.
  • Contact Security immediately when you observe any suspicious activity (253.879.3311).