The Student Life Committee shall consist of the Dean of the University (ex-officio), the Dean of Students (ex-officio), no fewer than four appointed faculty members, and three student members.

The duties of the committee shall be

  • To act as a liaison on student life issues among students, staff, faculty, and the administration. This includes providing input on various Student Affairs projects and initiatives as brought to the committee by the Dean of Students, as well as establishing ongoing communication with and providing input to ASUPS on various projects at the request of that body’s executives.
  • To review information sources available that could help identify issues relevant to student life. Such information sources include individual faculty, students, and staff, as well as the Office of Institutional Research and the ASUPS Student Concerns Committee.
  • To conduct reviews and make recommendations about those policies and procedures that affect students’ lives outside the classroom.
  • To conduct reviews and make recommendations about co-curricular programs and services.
  • To serve as a pool of faculty from which to draw for participation on Student Affairs ad hoc committees.
  • Such other duties as may be assigned to it.