The Professional Standards Committee shall consist of the Dean of the University (ex-officio) and no fewer than seven appointed members of the Faculty.

In matters brought before the Professional Standards Committee (PSC), the individuals involved or any PSC member may raise the issue of a conflict of interest concerning a member of the committee. If the conflict of interest is disputed, those members of the PSC who are not involved in the alleged conflict of interest shall conduct a confidential, written vote to determine if a conflict of interest may exist. If it is determined that a member of the PSC may have a conflict of interest, that member shall be recused from deliberating and voting. If a member of the PSC is recused because of an apparent conflict of interest, the PSC, at its discretion, may appoint a substitute to participate in the case.

The duties of the committee shall be:

  • To recommend and improve continually the instruments and methods of faculty evaluation and to facilitate their use in the university community. In performing this duty the committee shall have the authority to call upon any part of the university for assistance.
  • To fulfill responsibilities assigned by the faculty code.
  • To recommend to the faculty any changes in the code and bylaws when needed.
  • To establish standards of professional performance, including those for promotion and tenure, and responsibilities for members of the instructional staff.
  • Such other duties as may be assigned to it.