The Faculty Advancement Committee shall consist of the Dean of the University (ex-officio) and five tenure-line faculty members. A slate of nominees will be selected by the Faculty using the method specified for the election of senators. In order to stand for election, a nominee must agree to serve a minimum of two consecutive years. The slate of nominees will number three if there is one position to be filled. If there are two or more positions to be filled, the slate will number two persons for each position open. The dean normally will select from the nominees in such a way as to avoid the appointment of two members of the same department or school to serve on the committee at the same time.

The normal term of service shall be three consecutive years. The dean, in consultation with the committee member and with the Senate, may lengthen by one semester or shorten by one year a member's term in order to avoid terms that end mid-year and to assure overlapping terms. Members cannot serve during the academic year in which they are to be considered for promotion or tenure. In such cases the member must resign from the committee.

Replacement of members due to vacancies and resignations shall be handled by the procedures described above. New members shall serve full terms.

A member may recuse him or herself if there is a conflict of interest. Specifically, a member shall not participate in deliberations involving that member's department or professional school colleagues.

The duties of the committee shall be:

  • To make recommendations to the president concerning all reappointments, tenure, and promotion decisions.
  • To make recommendations to the president concerning all other evaluations specified in the faculty code.
  • To establish criteria for distinguished teacher awards and conduct procedures for making final selections.
  • Such other duties as may be assigned to it.