The University of Puget Sound Concerto-Aria Competition has been an honored tradition in the School of Music since 1981. Students participate each year in this competitive program that highlights their work as musical soloists. Instrumental and vocal competitors prepare their chosen solos for a competition audition. Winners are offered the opportunity to perform as soloists with the School of Music’s Symphony Orchestra or Wind Ensemble. This year, we will also host a Spotlight Recital featuring performers from the Competition not designated as winners, but whose performances were outstanding. Judges will select both Concerto Aria winner(s) and spotlight recital performers. Prior years' winners have also gone on to win regional and national music competitions; and perform with professional ensembles and opera companies.

2024-2025 Competition Overview and Rules Download 2024-2025 Application 

Competition Date: Sunday, November 3, 2024

Spotlight Recital: December 2, 2024, 12pm, Concerts in Collins Performance Series 
Collaborative Pianist Information
2024-25 Concerto-Aria Competition Collaborative Pianists
Kimberly Davenport
Karen Ganz
Isabella Jie
Jinshil Yi

It is the responsibility of the contestant to make arrangements with a collaborative pianist, to provide the collaborative pianist with a piano score, and to set up rehearsal time(s).

If a contestant performs in the competition with a designated collaborative pianist listed on the competition website, the School of Music will cover payment to the designated collaborative pianist covering the competition and, if applicable, Spotlight Recital performance, plus 45 minutes of rehearsal time. This financial support only applies to designated collaborative pianists listed on the competition website. Any private arrangements for additional rehearsal time, or arrangements with any pianist not listed on the competition website, will be at the contestant’s expense.