Studying in the U.S. can be both exciting and challenging, especially if you discover that American culture (varied though it may be) is quite different from your own.

Most international students report experiencing some degree of “culture shock” after their arrival to the U.S.. To help ease your transition, let us first identify “culture shock”: the more you know, the better you can prepare for it:

What is Culture Shock?

  • A sense of confusion and uncertainty sometimes with feelings of anxiety that may affect people exposed to an alien culture or environment without adequate preparation.
     —Merriam-Webster Dictionary
  • The personal disorientation a person may feel when experiencing an unfamiliar way of life due to immigration or a visit to a new country, a move between social environments, or simply travel to another type of life.
    —Macionis, John, and Linda Gerber. Sociology. "Chapter 3 - Culture."


Preparing for Culture Shock

Here are some suggestions to adequately prepare yourself for the culture shock you may experience coming to the U.S. from abroad:

  1. Gain new skills and insights by reading about living and studying in the U.S:
    1. Patrick, Holly R. The International Student's Guide to Studying in the United States (2016). Wayzgoose Press.
    2. Cohen, Harlan. The Naked Roommate (2017). 7th ed. Sourcebooks.
    3. Zenner, Audrey. Communication Skills for International Students (2020).  Cognelia, Incorporated.
    4. Lipson, Charles. Succeeding as an International Student in the United States and Canada (2008). The University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
  2. Get in touch with OIP or a campus ambassador after you arrive on campus! These are people whose goal it is to make you feel more at home on campus. Ask them about living and studying at University of Puget Sound.
  3. Familiarize yourself with social skills that are valued in the U.S., such as active listening, how to address others, how to use American gestures and body language, and making positive eye contact.
  4. Buy a journal. Document this experience and write about your feelings after you arrive. This step can help you po


What might surprise you?

  • Informality: Life is pretty information in the U.S., especially in the Pacific Northwest. Dress is very casual. It is common to call others by their first names.
  • Conversation: You might hear “What’s Up?” or “How’s it going?” from your peers. These are questions that don’t necessarily spawn a conversation, but just mean “hello.” People seem very friendly and sometimes superficial.
  • Individuality: Americans tend to value their individuality. They are direct in communicating. A student might even ask you about your grade in class.
  • Privacy: Americans tend to stand an arm’s length apart when conversing. When meeting someone, they shake hands.
  • Time: It is best to be on time for appointments, classes, and meetings, even with friends or peers! Being early or on time is a sign of respect for others and highly valued on campus.
  • Classroom culture: Classes are learner-focused rather than instructor-focused. Students are very engaged in classroom discussions and don’t hesitate to give their opinions. Students are encouraged to raise their hand or share their ideas to discuss with the professor. If you don’t understand something, you are expected to tell your professor instead of quietly misunderstanding.


Overcoming Culture Shock

  • Keep an open mind. Try not to perceive anything different to be “wrong”. Avoid interpreting and judging others’ behavior from your own cultural perspective.
  • Be courageous. Most of the professors, staffs and students are very friendly and helpful. Do not hesitate to ask people around if you have questions. (Start by introducing yourself to the OIP staff, a campus ambassador, and your advisors!)
  • Get involved. Many of Puget Sound students meet their best friends during Passages (Orientation), campus events, and club gatherings. Participating in campus activities and joining clubs or organizations will help you find students with similar interests.
  • Maintain a sense of humor. Don’t be hard on yourself. It’s ok if you say something wrong or don’t know what to do in a social situation, laugh at yourself and others will laugh with you.
  • Keep fit. Whether it be at our on-campus gym or at one of Tacoma’s beautiful parks or hiking trails, staying active and exercising will help reduce the stress on your body during this transition. It’s also important to eat a healthy, balanced diet or find foods that help you establish a routine or help with homesickness.
  • Talk to someone when feeling low. If you are feeling very low, talk to someone about it. This could be your fellow students, a campus ambassador. RA (residence assistants), or OIP staff. There are also excellent counseling resources available to you as a Puget Sound student through CHWS.