Dear Members of the Campus Community,

The Board of Trustees meets three times per academic year (in October, February, and May). Each meeting culminates in a business meeting that is open to all current university students, faculty, and staff members. The next business meeting will be held virtually on Friday, Oct. 29, at 9 a.m. At the business meeting, trustees receive reports from President Crawford, the Board Chair, ASUPS President, Alumni Council President, Chair of the Staff Senate, and Chair of the Faculty Senate. The board also receives reports from its operating, policy, and special committees, and takes actions on items brought forward by those committees.

As a reminder, this is a private meeting only open to trustees and current students, faculty, and staff colleagues who can attend by logging in through the Board of Trustees meetings page. A link will be posted there on Friday morning.

We hope that this message finds you well.


Joanna Carey Cleveland | Vice President and University Counsel and Secretary to the Board of Trustees