Professor, Philosophy
Ariela Tubert’s research is in the areas of moral philosophy and action theory. She is primarily concerned with the connection between accounts of agency and free will and issues in meta-ethics and practical reason. She is also interested in ethical issues in artificial intelligence and the environment. She received a B.A. with majors in Computer Science and Philosophy from New York University and M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in Philosophy from the University of Texas at Austin. Before coming to Puget Sound, she was a Visiting Fellow at the Parr Center for Ethics and a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her published work includes "Constitutive Arguments" (Philosophy Compass 5, 2010); "Korsgaard’s Constitutive Arguments and the Principles of Practical Reason" (Philosophical Quarterly 61, 2011); "Nietzsche’s Existentialist Freedom" (Journal of Nietzsche Studies 46, 2016); "Sound Advice and Internal Reasons" (Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 97, 2016); "Nietzsche and Self-Constitution," (The Nietzschean Mind, Routledge 2018); and "Ethical Machines?" (Seattle University Law Review 41:4, 2018).
Ariela Tubert serves on the Bioethics Advisory Committee and on the Committee for Latin American Studies and she regularly teaches courses like PHIL 250: Moral Philosophy; PHIL 285: Environmental Ethics; PHIL 312: Latin American Philosophy; PHIL 378/PG 348: Philosophy of Law; PHIL 383: Metaethics; SSI1 and SSI2-111: Life, Death, and Meaning; and together with Kristin Johnson, STS 333: Evolution and Ethics.