
Dear campus community,

We invite you to join the Offices of Intercultural Engagement & Institutional Equity and Diversity in acknowledging the enduring significance of Japanese American Day of Remembrance.

This year, we will gather on Feb. 19 at 6:30 p.m. in the Wheelock Student Center Rotunda to remember the unjust events initiated by Executive Order 9066 and actively engage with the stories and lessons etched in those dark chapters. To do so, we are honored to present a live reading of Never Again: The Story of the Japanese American Incarceration, a poignant play written by Aya Clark and produced by Dukesbay Productions.

Preceding the performance, we invite you to delve deeper into the past through a curated exhibit of archival materials. Our library and Densho, a Seattle-based nonprofit, have graciously contributed documents, photographs, and personal narratives that offer firsthand glimpses into the experiences of those impacted by Executive Order 9066. We would also like to thank Tamiko Nimura, former Puget Sound professor, and KBTC for granting Puget Sound permission to broadcast archival footage. The event is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served.

This somber yet transformative event is open to all. We gather not to dwell on the shadows of the past but to learn from them and together illuminate a path towards a brighter future.

With much appreciation,

Lorna Hernandez Jarvis | VP of Institutional Equity and Diversity

Miriam Chitiga | Senior Director for Intercultural Engagement