What is Qualtrics?
Qualtrics is a Web application that creates questionnaires for surveys, assessments, data collection, and polls. Questionnaire forms are presented to respondents as web pages and can be embedded in websites and email invitations. Responses are tabulated in real-time and may be analyzed using Qualtrics reporting features or downloaded from the Puget Sound Cascade system for analysis using any number of software packages.

Who can use Qualtrics?
All Puget Sound departments and offices seeking to conduct survey research to evaluate College services, management methods, and/or organizational processes can access Qualtrics resources. Faculty may use Qualtrics for academic research, provided that they create their own survey tools and that the execution/maintenance of said tools does not encroach on the core responsibilities/mission of the Office of Institutional Research (OIR).

How can I use Qualtrics?
Puget Sound departments and offices can access Qualtrics resources in two ways:

  1. Attend Qualtrics Users Training--Departments and offices that regularly administer online surveys, or that wish to expand their survey/evaluation activities may attend a training to learn how to create and modify ViewsFlash surveys. Training sessions are scheduled and implemented by OIR staff as demand requires.
  2. Request an OIR-Created Survey--Departments and offices that have not yet or do not wish to receive ViewsFlash training may submit a request for OIR staff to create a Qualtrics survey. Requesting units will be responsible for creating the actual survey tool, identifying the group to be surveyed, etc. OIR staff will enter the survey into Qualtrics, open and close the survey, provide survey data to the requesting unit, and generally manage the online survey process.

How can I learn more?
For information on Qualtrics training opportunities or other questions, please contact the Office of Institutional Research at (253) 879-3174.