Meet new people!

Participate in monthly events during the academic year, hosted by the club, including happy hours, lunches, and more!

Use of the house for your own personal events! Think Super Bowl parties, family gatherings, game nights, or kitchen space to try out that new recipe you've been wanting to make!


Who is Eligible to Join?

Membership of the University Club shall be open to all members of the University of Puget Sound faculty as defined in the Faculty Code, professional librarians, administrative officers, and other non- academic members of the staff of the university whose work is considered to be essentially on a professional level.

Monthly Dues are $10 by payroll deduction ($5 per pay period).

Faculty, professional staff, and administrators in higher ranks are encouraged to make a contribution in excess of dues.

To become a member, please fill out the Membership Application and Payroll Deduction Request form.