Decoding Search Results

After conducting a class search, you can click on the hyperlink next to “Section” to find information about that particular offering.

Class Details box:

  • Status - open (seats available for registration), closed (no seats available), waitlist (class is closed but can add name to stand-by list for any future open seats)
  • Class number - unique identifier for this class
  • Session - duration of course in the semester; most academic courses are one unit, while most activity courses are quarter- or half-semesters
  • Units - most academic courses are unit unit (full time standing requires at least three units), while most activity courses are 0.25 or 0.5 units
  • Instruction mode - everything at the undergrade career is in person!
  • Class components - most classes are lectures, but natural sciences and introductory foreign language courses will require a lab or discussion section to be added alongside the lecture
  • Career - undergraduate and graduate level of course; steer clear of grad classes now!
  • Dates - start and end dates of the semester in question
  • Grading - most academic classes should be taken as graded (letter grades A-F), with most activity courses taken as Pass/Fail only. Many classes can be switched to Pass/Fail, but this happens later in your career with us.
  • Location - most classes are on campus, but a few meet off campus for special reasons.

Meeting Information box:

  • Days & Times - class session meeting times and days of the week
  • Rooms - location of class session meeting
  • Instructor - faculty member teaching the course
  • Meeting Dates - most dates will be for the full semester, but some courses meet less than the full semester

Enrollment Information box:

  • Class Attributes - refers to if and how the class fits into the core curriculum

Class Availability box:

  • Class capacity - total seats in the class
  • Enrollment total - current number of students registered for the class
  • Available seats - seats available for registration
  • Wait list capacity - defaulted to 99, some courses will limit the number of seats that can be waitlisted
  • Wait list total - current number of students waiting to get into the class

Notes box:

  • References special information about the course, such as a concurrent enrollment in lecture or lab required, prerequisite courses (may be high school preparation, AP/IB exams, and/or college courses taken at Puget Sound or elsewhere) that must be successfully completed before enrolling in the course

We encourage you to search classes regularly for the most up-to-date information available on the college's offerings, for the obvious reason that every change-of instructor, or time, or enrollment limit-will be reflected there as soon as the change is made.

A Note on Change

Puget Sound curricula are constantly changing. Departments revise their programs and requirements; faculty members create new courses and update or discontinue old ones. This is a natural and healthy process, but it can also be frustrating for a new student who cannot find classes in the Bulletin that are listed in a class search or, conversely, cannot find in a class search any mention of courses the Bulletin describes. Bear with us, please. When you receive your copy of the 2013-2014 Bulletin, you will be apprised of most of the changes that have been made over the course of this past academic year, and subsequent changes will be noted in the online Academics and PeopleSoft Web pages.

If you encounter a problem that makes it difficult for you to plan for your first-year program, please feel free to phone the Office of Academic Advising at 253.879.3250. We will be happy to help you.