1. Policy Statement
    The University of Puget Sound is a community that values the intrinsic worth of its members, recognizes our shared qualities, embraces our differences, engages its mission, and actively practices its values. We make appreciation of all persons a key characteristic of this community, foster a spirit of openness and active engagement, and strive to be diverse and inclusive in every aspect of campus life.  All University Community Members share in cultivating, sustaining, and continuously developing an environment in which equity is intentionally sought and inclusiveness is practiced.

    In this context, named University Buildings and University Spaces (“University Buildings and Spaces”) make a statement about the values the university chooses to lift up and pass on to successive generations. To that end, the university continues to endeavor to support a curriculum and agenda for research, artistic creativity, and civic engagement that reflects and honors the full, rich diversity of human experience and thought and to uphold with integrity our mission and values. We trust that constantly striving to be a more just and equitable institution makes us a stronger university and positions us to build a better future for all.

    The university seeks to cultivate inclusive transformation and visibly demonstrate commitment to its mission and values. In doing so, we must be willing to submit the university’s history, traditions, and practices to scrutiny and thoughtful assessment consistent with high standards of integrity and within a culture of openness supporting free inquiry and debate. Upholding institutional values includes an openness to changing or otherwise contextualizing names associated with University Buildings and Spaces by prior stewards of the university whose values may, in contemporary circumstances, be at odds with the university’s mission.

    This policy establishes the university’s guiding principles for the reconsideration or removal of names on University Buildings and Spaces in the context of reports of a named individual’s values or behavior being harmful to the university’s mission and inclusiveness and/or inconsistent with the university’s integrity.  In addition, this policy creates a framework for this review process, and may be supplemented by additional guidance and procedural information as needed.

  2. Coverage
    This policy applies to all named University Buildings and Spaces, consistent with the university’s Commemorative Gift Policy and Gift Acceptance Policy.
  3. Definitions
    1. Requestor: The person who submits a request for reconsideration or removal of a name under this policy. Every request submitted shall identify the primary person to be the Requestor, and this person will be the one to whom all university correspondence and communications shall be directed.
    2. University Building(s) and/or Spaces:  All structures owned and controlled by the university, including indoor and outdoor areas as further described below. 
      1. University Building(s):  Any and all named structures owned and controlled by the university (including wings added to existing buildings).
      2. University Space(s):  Indoor or outdoor named areas of the University Campus.
    3. University Campus (or “Campus”):  Any and all University Buildings (permanent and temporary structures) and University Grounds (outdoor spaces including, but not limited to, athletic spaces, sidewalks, and fields) owned and controlled by the university. 
    4. University Community Member or University Community: For purposes of this policy, these are current university students, faculty, and staff members.
    5. University Grounds:  Any outdoor space owned and controlled by the university, including but not limited to athletic spaces, sidewalks, and fields.
  4. Guiding Principles and Standard of Review
    1. Guiding Principles
      In undertaking any review of the name of a University Building or Space due to a request reporting the named individual’s values or behavior are harmful to the university’s mission and inclusiveness and/or inconsistent with the university’s integrity, and in reaching any recommendation or determination, the university will be guided by the following five institutional principles:
      • Trust:  University Community Members, alumni, and board members must be able to trust that the university will honor its naming commitments, while also awarding honor and commemoration to people and events that reflect the full, evolving values of the university. By acting transparently and with accountability, the university will demonstrate that it remains attentive to a fuller understanding of actions and ideologies from the past and is prepared to take appropriate steps when those values no longer align.
      • Openness: The university supports requests for consideration of removing names from University Buildings and Spaces and will provide appropriate access to institutional records and resources that pertain to the naming to ensure an equitable and public review of any request.
      • Inclusive Engagement: The university will engage constructively and meaningfully with University Community Members as part of any review process.  This will include acknowledging historical experience, valuing diverse perspectives, creating learning opportunities, and promoting meaningful conversations and actions.
      • Ethos of Healing and Repair: As part of any review process, the university will consider how it can best respond to damage, amend behavior, advance collective knowledge, and appropriately address inequity or injustice in order to reflect its commitments to diversity, equity, and inclusion. 
      • Proactive Leadership: The university will consider proactive and necessary steps beyond a name removal that address complex historical legacies, and embody its commitment to recognize our past, conviction to learn, and a willingness to act in transformative ways.
    2. Standard of Review
      In order to be consistent and transparent in the review and decision-making process for requests made under this policy, the university will use the following standard of review for any request to remove a name from a University Building or University Space: A University Building or University Space name shall be removed only upon the presentation and/or discovery of strong and noteworthy evidence that compellingly demonstrates retaining the name is harmful to its mission and inclusiveness and/or inconsistent with the university’s integrity.  In reaching any decision or recommendation, the totality of the information provided will be considered.  If removal is not appropriate under this standard, other means of education or contextualization may be recommended or considered.
  5. Process for Seeking Reconsideration or Removal of a Name from a University Building or Space or Other Contextualization
    1. Introduction; Exceptions
      The university will use the process established in this section to evaluate and make recommendations associated with requests to reconsider or remove the name of a University Building or Space or seek other contextualization based upon the named individual’s values or behavior being harmful to the university’s mission and inclusiveness and/or inconsistent with the university’s integrity, except as provided below.

      Exceptions to this process may occur under the following circumstances:

      • In rare circumstances, contemporaneously available information (such as publicly available reports of a criminal conviction or confirmed serious ethical misconduct) regarding an individual for whom a University Building or Space is named may immediately and clearly demonstrate that the above standard has been met.  In such a circumstance, the President and Board of Trustees may elect to take action outside of the process described in this policy.
      • The university may otherwise separately consider the removal of a name as provided in its Commemorative Gift Policy or Gift Acceptance Policy.
    2. Request Submission
      Any University Community Member, alumnus, or board member may submit a written request to the Office of the President to reconsider or remove the name of a University Building or Space or seek other contextualization based upon the named individual’s values or behavior being harmful to the university’s mission and inclusiveness and/or inconsistent with the university’s integrity.
    3. Request Components
      Any request must include the following components:
      • The specific University Building or Space to be considered;
      • A sufficiently substantive description of the issue(s) that make the name harmful to the university’s mission and inclusiveness and/or inconsistent with the university’s integrity;
      • Any relevant documentation about the existing name, associated named individual, and application of the guiding principles to the request;
      • Evidence of engagement with a broad cross section of the University Community that demonstrates more than one person (and ideally more than one constituency) is in support of the request for removal; and
      • ​​​The desired outcome (removal of name, addition of another name, educational signage, other pedagogical or outreach work, etc.).
    4. Initial Review
      Upon receipt of a request, the Office of the President shall undertake an initial review to confirm that all components have been included.  If not, the Office of the President will notify the Requestor of the missing components that must be included before the request can proceed.

      If all components are present, the President will be notified that it is appropriate to appoint a review committee to evaluate the request.

    5. Appointment of Review Committee
      If a request includes all required components, the President will initially consult with the Vice President for Institutional Equity and Diversity and/or others as applicable regarding perspectives to include on the review committee.  The President will usually appoint the Vice President for Institutional Equity and Diversity or another Cabinet member to lead or co-lead a review committee and will work with the appointed Cabinet member to promptly identify review committee members and convene the review committee; provided, however, that the President has the discretion to appoint another individual to lead or co-lead the review committee as the President deems appropriate. 

      Appointments should be made as promptly as possible following submission of a completed request. 

      Committee members will be drawn from multiple constituencies within the University Community to assure that diverse roles and perspectives are represented.  In addition, the President may elect to include alumni, trustees, or outside community members who may have particular expertise, demographic diversity, and/or familiarity with the university’s policies. 

    6. Notification to the Requestor and University Community
      The Office of the President will assure that notice is given to the Requestor and the University Community regarding any request that proceeds to a review committee.  This notice should identify the anticipated timeline to review the request, list the members of the review committee, and provide a mechanism for additional feedback to be submitted relevant to the request.  This notice may be satisfied by updating the university’s website and/or sending electronic notice to the Requestor and University Community.
    7. Role of Review Committee and Timeline for Review
      The review committee will diligently and thoughtfully evaluate the request using a consistent, inclusive process. Review committees should generally aspire to complete their work and provide their written report and recommendations to the President within 4-6 months of being appointed, but may extend that period upon written notice to the President.

      In conducting its evaluation:

      • The review committee will review the request to initially ensure its factual accuracy.  If the review committee determines the request is not factually accurate it may elect to end its review and provide written notice to the President of its findings.
      • The review committee will apply the guiding principles and standard of review as described in this policy and as further developed in any guidelines or procedures.
      • The review committee may request or solicit additional feedback and information if needed from the requestor, the University Community, identified experts, and/or university staff with relevant records.
      • The review committee will complete a written report to be submitted to the President that details the committee’s findings and conclusions associated with each guiding principle, and makes recommendations for next steps consistent with the requestor’s requested outcome(s), the standard of review and guiding principles, and any previously known similar university decisions on reconsideration or removal of University Building or University Space names.  The review committee may submit a report of the majority and minority if the recommendations are not unanimous, which must include the names of review committee members supporting each report.
    8. President’s Review and Recommendation(s)/Determination(s)
      • Upon receipt of the review committee’s written report and recommendations, the President will determine whether to accept some or all of the recommendations, decline to accept some or all of the recommendations, or send back to the review committee to answer any further questions consistent with the guiding principles and standard of review and any previously known similar university decisions on reconsideration or removal of University Building or Space names.  The President may also elect to meet with the review committee to discuss their work and seek any necessary clarification(s) regarding the information reviewed, findings, conclusions, or recommendations.
      • If the President determines that removal of a name from a University Building or Space is appropriate or any other actions that require the approval of the Board of Trustees are needed (e.g., adding another name to a University Building or Space), the President will prepare a written recommendation that will be submitted to the Board of Trustees for consideration at its next scheduled meeting, along with the review committee’s report and recommendations. 
      • If the President determines that any other actions are appropriate that do not require the approval of the Board of Trustees, the President may proceed with those actions, including notifying the Requestor and the University Community, and will notify the Board of Trustees of such actions at its next meeting and summarize these actions in connection with the review committee’s report and recommendations. 
    9. Board of Trustees’ Review and Determination
      • Upon a written recommendation from the President, the Board of Trustees, acting through the appropriate committee or with full Board action as needed, will determine whether to accept or decline to accept the recommendation, or send back to the President to answer any further questions.   
      • If there is a recommendation to remove a name from a University Building or Space, the Board of Trustees shall make its decision based on the totality of the information available, and shall determine whether there is strong and noteworthy evidence that compellingly demonstrates retaining the name is harmful to its mission and inclusiveness and/or inconsistent with the university’s integrity.
    10. Notification of Determination to Requestor, Affected Individuals, and University Community and Implementation of Associated Actions
      • Once any final determination has been made, the President will assure that notice is promptly provided to the Requestor, any affected individual or related contact as appropriate, and the University Community of the determination and any associated actions that will be taken. The President also will make available the review committee’s report and recommendation(s) and the President’s recommendation(s) to the University Community; provided, however, that confidential or sensitive information may be redacted before release as the President deems appropriate.
      •  Implementation of approved changes to signage on University Buildings or Spaces and other manifestations of name changes should happen as soon as possible following the final determination.  Such changes should take into account any associated public recognition and ceremonies that may be appropriate with a decision to remove a name, add a name, and/or install educational or commemorative displays
  6. Effective Date
    This policy is effective as of February 25, 2022.
  7. Related Statutes, Regulations, and Policies

Policy Owner: Office of the President
Date Adopted: February 25, 2022