Richard Anderson-Connolly
Professor, Sociology and Anthropology
Richard Anderson-Connolly pursues research in comparative sociology and teaches courses on social problems, social order and human freedom, social stratification, criminology, and international political economy. He has been a public speaker and writer about the electoral system of instant runoff voting. He contributed the articles “A Voter’s Manifesto: Rejecting the Lesser-of-Two-Evils Trap” and “Our Third Karpian Movement: Obama and the Politics of Misrule” to CounterPunch webzine (2010), and wrote the book Voter turnout, candidate success, and perceived candidate position on the liberal-conservative dimension (University of Wisconsin-Madison; 1992). He co-wrote The Road Home: Homeless Policy for Pierce County, which provided key data on homelessness to Pierce County. Anderson-Connolly’s recent work has included a project tentatively titled “Economic Foundations for Social Scientists: A Post-Keynesian Approach.”
MWF Noon–1, or by appointment.