Professor, Communication Studies
Bianca Wolf specializes in communication related to health and relationships. Her research is primarily centered on family communication related to health disruptions. She also examines patient-provider interaction, family socialization of health and well-being behaviors, and public health messages. Wolf’s work on cancer communication focuses on coping and social support strategies employed by family members experiencing cancer and their impact on health outcomes. That work includes the publication "Do families communally cope with breast cancer or is it just talk?" in Qualitative Health Research (2014). Wolf also focuses on the mother-daughter relationship, investigating their breast cancer communication and its impact on their respective health outcomes. Her work on patient-provider communication includes a co-authored practical communication guide for dental providers entitled Communication Skills for Dental Health Care Providers (2015). In addition, she has published co-authored work, and been quoted in U.S. News & World Report, about forgiveness communication and health, in which she examines how forgiveness and revenge each have negative and positive impacts on physical, psychological, and relational well-being. Other publications co-written by Wolf include “Morality and family communication when coping with cancer,” in Good Relationships: Moral Communication Across the Lifespan (2015); and “Constructing family: A typology of voluntary kin" in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships (2010). Wolf teaches courses on health and relationships.