The university allocates funds for travel by the full-time faculty for professional development. For more information, also see the Academic Department Faculty Travel Funds Policy.

Deadline: N/A


As a regular line item in each department budget, the university allocates funds for travel by the full-time faculty for professional development. The funds constitute a departmental travel pool and all full time faculty members are to be involved equitably in the decisions regarding utilization of the funds for the benefit of the individual members, the department and the university. Professional development is broadly defined and includes travel to attend professional meetings, travel to attend special meetings within the discipline on teaching or research, and travel for other professionally-related activities. Departments are encouraged to develop guidelines for the distribution of the funds and to expend the funds on an annual basis.


These funds are intended for the use of full-time faculty members. Please see policy statement and documentation required for university support of travel outside the United States.


Application for these funds should be made to the department chair in accordance with procedures established by the department. If traveling outside the United States, the appropriate Foreign Travel Waiver documents (linked below) should be completed and forwarded to the Associate Dean.


There is no established deadline, although a department is free to set one.