The Honor Court is charged with hearing cases regarding the ASUPS Constitution and Bylaws. Cases can be brought forth by any members of ASUPS by contacting the Honor Court directly, which can then issue advisory or binding opinions. The Court is comprised of student Justices, a student Chief Justice selected by other members of the Court, a Faculty Justice, a Faculty Advisor, and a Dean’s Designee traditionally filled by the Director of Rights & Responsibilities. 


Become a Justice

Article IV, Section 2 of the ASUPS Constitution grants the ASUPS President the sole power to appoint justices subject to the consent of the Senate. Students who wish to be considered for a Justice position must contact the ASUPS Office at to schedule a meeting with the President. Alternate Justice positions are also available. The Chief Justice is elected during the school year at the discretion of the Honor Court from among the Court’s student Justices. Faculty positions are appointed through the Student Life Committee.