Content Warning (CW)

The resources below are educational tools for everyone. However, many contain sensitive material that may be upsetting to individuals. This may include: Transphobia, Biphobia, Sexism, Misogyny, Racism, Sexual Assault, Homophobia and other descriptions of rhetorical and physical violence.

Please practice self care when reviewing these materials.

We know that it may be difficult and even daunting to think about enormous topics like racism, homophobia, and other forms of oppression and the ways that they are supported and created. But that doesn’t make it any less important that we build the knowledge to understand them and begin to deconstruct them from our community. This page is designed to help you engage in contemporary and historical conversations surrounding important topics on social justice. These topics are often difficult, and at times it may be uncomfortable to engage with them. We have been taught ways of thinking that are oppressive but are no less deeply a part of who we are as a community, and it may be jarring to upend that thinking. This is completely okay and normal. We encourage you to push through, to reach out to friends and colleagues who can help you process, and to keep learning. 

The resources below were curated by students, faculty, and staff at Puget Sound and serve as a starting place for you to engage in these difficult conversations; no judgment, just learning. We encourage you to browse the following content and to be talking about them with your own communities, on or off campus. 

This page is a constant work in progress: If you have any article suggestions, specific questions, or you would like to report a concern about the following content, please contact the ASUPS Director of Equity, Inclusion and Justice ( or ASUPS Director of Medias and Technology Services (