One Awesome Program: Five Amazing Options
Madrid Summers caters to several different kinds of students all of which come together as the Puget Sound contingent in Madrid for a summer’s worth of hard work, exciting cultural opportunities, challenging internships, intercultural development, and marvelous social life.

Video of Program Director and Professor of Hispanic Studies Harry Vélez Quiñones speaks about Madrid Summers and experiential learning.

Students interested in pursuing a rigorous international internship in fields such as business, humanities, and the sciences will find the two different but complementary internship-based programs Madrid Summers offers fascinating: Internships in Business and Humanities and Science Research Internship.

Students seeking to deepen their knowledge of Spanish culture, literature, art, politics, etc. will be drawn to the Madrid Summers Hispanic Studies Summer program.

If teaching is in your future, the Prospective Teachers of Spanish (K-12) Program Madrid Summers includes is for you.

Finally, if satisfying the Foreign Language Graduation Requirement abroad is what you need, then Madrid Summers is your best bet.

Our academic partner, Universidad Antonio de Nebrija, is a private, secular institution that prides itself in the quality of its instruction and its ability to provide personalized attention to its students. Our internships provider, OléSay, can furnish you a high-quality internship experience in some of the choicest sites both public and private. Please note that the five Madrid Summers options have different requirements from zero Spanish for the Science Research Internships to five semesters of college Spanish (Span 203 or above) for the Business and Humanities Internships.

But don't just take our word for it. The following collection of videos features Puget Sound students talking about their Madrid Summers experiences in their own words:

Corey Friedman talks about working as the Program Assistant for the Madrid Summers Program.

Andrew Izzo talks about his biology internship at the Research Institute of Food Science.

Ali Walker '19 talks about her marketing internship at Global Sports Innovation Center in Madrid.

Roxanne Krietzman '18 (Spanish major, Chemistry minor) shows off scenes from her food science Internship.

Ian Crocker '19 (undecided) talks about his internship experience with a school of music in Madrid.

Arcelia Salado '19 discusses her business internship and volunteer work in Madrid.

Katie Hart '19 (Majors: Hispanic International Studies, International Political Economy; Minors: Global Development Studies, Business) and James Markin '17 (Politics and Government, Spanish) talk about their internship with the Red Cross in Madrid.