Sara Adkins - Dottie Rasmussen Leadership Award
Jeffrey Ammons - Jackson Outstanding Man Award
Aaron Badham - Greek Fine Arts Award
Steffond Brown - Alumni Association Outstanding Student Achievement Award
Liana Campus - Dottie Rasmussen Leadership Award
Elizabeth Card - Greek Sophomore of the Year
Sean Carvey - RA/RPA of the Year
Mark Delbrueck - Greek Man of the Year
Bryce Douglas - Alumni Association Outstanding Student Achievement Award
Brittany Duncan - Greek Community Service Award
Lyndall Ellingson - Nancy Riehl Hoff Award
Taylor Firman - Greek Scholar of the Year
Katherine Fleming - RHA Member of the Year
Jason Foster - Alumni Association Outstanding Student Achievement Award
Alexander Gardner - Greek Sophomore of the Year
Shira Goldstein - Chimes Cup
Britt Hamlin - Greek Athlete of the Year
Kelly Heusinkveld - Greek Fine Arts Award
Ross Heyman - Ralph Olson Memorial Award
Colin Koach - Eric J. Konzelman Award
Robert Krauel - Alumni Association Outstanding Student Achievement Award
Samuel Kussin-Shoptaw - Spirit Trophy
James Luu - Kleiner Family Endowed Humanitarian Award
Conor Lynch - Greek New Member of the Year
Gregory Merrell - Sky Cup Award, W. Houston Dougharty Hearthstone Award
Phil Munsterman - Charles T. Battin Award
Jay Nuske - Puget Sound LGBT Leadership Scholarship
Sierra Phillips - RHA Member of the Year
James Pinkney - Alumni Association Outstanding Student Achievement Award
Karen Pryor - Greek Junior of the Year
Sarah Quesenberry - Hurley Community Service Award
Adam Restad - Sky Cup Award
Jennifer Seibert - Greek New Member of the Year
Kate Simeon - Outstanding Program Award for Service
Catherine Sullivan - Greek Woman of the Year
Clay Thompson - Outstanding Program Award for Service
Brian Walker - Greek Athlete of the Year
TaReva Warrick-Stone - Yumi Kawaji Outstanding Woman Award
Antwan Williams - Alumni Association Outstanding Student Achievement Award
Devon Wohl - Greek Scholar of the Year
Joseph Woolley - Eric Spurrell Memorial Good Government Award, Greek Junior of the Year
Yusuf Word - Norton Clapp Arete Award
Jennifer Wrobel - Chimes Cup
Professor David Droge - Dean Kristine Bartanen Ensemble Award
Anderson/Langdon - Residence Hall Association of the Year
Student Financial Services - Outstanding Program Award for Spirit
Aids Walk - Outstanding Program Award for Service
Jewish Student Organization - Oxholm Award
Union Avenue Custodial Services Staff - Staff Contribution Award
UPS Cheer Squad - Spirit Trophy
VOX - Outstanding Program Award for Diversity
Seniors of the Varisty Men's Basketball Team - Alumni Association Outstanding Student Achievement Award
Professor Bill Kupinse - Outstanding Faculty Award
Renee Lee - Outstanding Staff Award
Andrea Carroll - Greek Advisor of the Year Award