Hamel, F.L. (2017). Choice and Agency in the Writing Workshop: Developing Engaged Writers, Grades 4-6. New York: NY: Teachers College Press.

Ryken, A.E., & Hamel, F.L. (2016). Looking again at 'surface level' reflections: Framing a competence view of early teacher thinking. Teacher Education Quarterly.

Hamel, F.L., & Hamel, C.R. (2015). An early opt-out: 12 years later, parents and daughter discuss school without tests, Education Week, Volume 34 (34), June 10: 28.

Bornstein-Grove, M. & Hamel, F.L. (2013). The Makah Whale Hunt: A social studies symposium for the classroom. Social Education 77 (4): 201-205.

Hamel, F.L. & Hillis, M.R. (2012). “I am the Master of My Fate:” Professors and Teenagers Conduct Action Research on Student Motivation. Washington State Kappan.

Ryken, A.E. & Hamel, F.L. (2011). What matters is mutual investment and evidence-based dialogue: Designing meaningful contexts for teacher learning. Northwest Passages 9 (2): 95-103.

Hamel, F.L. & Jaasko-Fisher, H. (2011). "Hidden labor in the mentoring of pre-service teachers: Notes on a mentor teacher advisory council." Teaching and Teacher Education 27 (2): 434-442.

Hamel, F.L. & Ryken, A.E. (2010). "Rehearsing professional roles in community: Teacher identity development in a school-university partnership." Teacher Development 14 (3): 335-350.

Hamel, F., Chikamori, K., Ono, Y., Williams, J. (2010). "First contact: Initial responses to cultural disequilibrium in a short term teaching exchange program." International Journal of Intercultural Relations 34 (6): 600-614.

Hamel, F.L. and Ryken, A., with Mary Kokich, Jennice King, and Olga Lay (2006). "Intentional partnerships: Generating learning within and across institutional contexts." AILACTE Journal 3 (1): 41–59.

Hamel, F. and Merz, C. (2005). "Reframing Accountability: A pre-service program wrestles with mandated reform." Journal of Teacher Education 56, (2): 1–11.

Hamel, F.L. (2003). "Teacher understanding of student understanding: Revising the gap between teachers' conceptions and students' ways with literature." Research in the Teaching of English.

Hamel, F.L. (2003). Locating Literate Practice Among Boys (Book Review). English Journal 92 (4): 94–96.

Hamel, C.R. and Hamel, F.L. (2003). "State mandated testing: Why we opt out." Education Week, Volume XXII (27), March 12: 33, 35.

Hamel, F.L. (2000). Disciplinary landscapes, interdisciplinary collaboration: A case study. In S.S. Wineburg and P.L. Grossman (Eds.), Interdisciplinary Curriculum: Challenges to Implementation (pp.74–92). Teachers College Press.

Hamel, F.L. and Smith, M.W. (1998). "You can't play if you don't know the rules: Interpretive conventions and the teaching of literature to lower-track students." Reading & Writing Quarterly 14, (4): 355–377.