The Academic Internship site Supervisor determines the quality of the student Intern's work/learning experience by creating a work environment that promotes positive work performance and allows the goals of the employing organization to be achieved.

Roles and responsibilities of the Supervisor include:

  • Develop a job description that clearly lays out specific duties and responsibilities of the Intern.
  • Offer on-going professional development and training opportunities, both formal and informal.
  • Provide opportunities for mentoring, two-way feedback, learning, and support for the Intern.

Essential components of the job description must be described in the Academic Internship Learning Agreement which is due to the Internship Coordinator by the university Registrar's deadline for adding courses (at the beginning of each semester) and includes:

  • A list of the specific job responsibilities and tasks relevant to the Intern’s academic learning objectives
  • A list of the specific job responsibilities and tasks relevant to the Intern’s employment expectations although not directly related to the academic learning objectives
  • An employment schedule of at least 120 hours
  • The criteria used by the Supervisor to evaluate the Intern’s job performance

Career and Employment Services will send Supervisors a Performance Appraisal Form near the end of the academic term.

Internship sites are subject to advance approval by the Internship Coordinator. Internship opportunities will be reviewed for the following:

  • Offer an environment that promotes a positive learning experience
  • Provide Interns an opportunity to explore or gain experiences in an area of career interest
  • Provide for adequate, on-going supervision
  • Offer Interns the ability to contribute in meaningful ways to the internship/organization

Complete Academic Internship Guidelines, as approved by the Curriculum Committee on April 18, 2008 include:

  • General overview of Academic Internship units
  • Eligibility
  • Requirements
  • Grading
  • Designation
  • Credit