Artificial intelligence tools that can conduct research, synthesize course materials and other content, and produce coherent writing have become a focus of discussion in higher education. ChatGPT, Bard,, and similar tools are powerful algorithmic language models that use artificial intelligence to generate writing. They have been trained on a vast amount of data, allowing them to generate convincing responses to a wide range of prompts. Due to ChatGPT’s capabilities and accessibility, many students are starting to use it and other AI-based tools to complete or contribute to assignments in various fields of study, from composition to computer programming. As these tools are already being integrated into word processors, email apps, and browser plug-ins, we can expect them to become even more ubiquitous and integrated into daily life in the years to come.

Guidance and Recommendations

Here we provide some guidance for instructors related to these emerging technologies: 

  • Communication: Clearly communicate and establish a policy for the use of AI-generated text in your course through the syllabus and assignment prompts. Outline the steps to be taken in case of suspected academic misconduct involving AI tools. Make it clear when you allow or encourage the use of AI as part of particular assignments. 

  • Explanation: Clarify with students that struggle, challenge, and uncertainty are an integral part of learning and that the use of AI tools as a shortcut or workaround to such learning may undermine their goals of becoming informed, critical thinkers. Emphasize the value and relevance of the skills and knowledge being taught in the course, and how they are integral to a liberal arts education. 

  • Writing as Process: Emphasize to students the value of writing as a process that yields learning outcomes beyond the end product itself: learning to develop and draft ideas, editing and clarifying text, reviewing and discussing feedback, revising and refining the final draft. Note the enduring value of these skills even within an environment where AI use is prevalent.

  • Intentional Assignment Design: Design assignments that require students to connect in novel ways to course content, class discussions, and personal experience. Consider in-class assignments, oral presentations, and question-and-answer sessions that accompany/support written assignments (however, keep in mind how different assessment methods can potentially create barriers for students with disabilities). This article provides additional suggestions for intentional, process-focused assignment design.

  • Assessing Process: Consider ways to prioritize assessment of the learning process over (only) the end product by implementing low or no-stakes formative assignments to encourage students to build their skills over the semester, and by using in-class writing to establish benchmarks.

  • Incorporate AI: Consider productive ways to incorporate AI-based tools into your teaching to prepare students for the use of technology in their future personal and professional lives. AI writing tools are increasingly impressive in their capabilities, but are still limited — familiarization with them can help encourage critical thinking about digital literacy, sources of evidence, writing style, tone, and what constitutes effective written communication. 

Academic Honesty
One of the main concerns many faculty have with the use of ChatGPT and other AI-based tools in academic settings is the potential for academic misconduct. As these tools are constantly evolving and students may use their text in different ways, it is challenging to accurately identify AI-generated student submissions. Because AI writing detectors are unreliable and easily subverted by light editing of the text, we recommend focusing on the strategies outlined above to build assignments and assessment approaches that emphasize academic honesty and critical thinking. Please keep in mind that we are preparing our students to live, work, and thrive in a world that will be saturated with AI tools. This does not mean students should be using AI tools to unethically complete assignments (see "Violations of Academic Integrity" below) but rather that students would be best served by robust engagement with AI rather than only avoidance or prohibition.


Violations of Academic Integrity
At Puget Sound, violations of academic integrity are taken very seriously as they threaten the atmosphere of trust, fairness, and respect essential to learning and the dissemination of knowledge. Claiming the work of others as your own, whether created by another human or an artificial intelligence, is regarded as plagiarism, and as such is a violation of academic integrity. In situations involving suspected violations of academic integrity, procedures and sanctions established for the Hearing Board will be followed. Students are expected to be aware of and to abide by the university’s Academic Integrity Policy. Additionally, faculty members are urged to review university and course policies regarding academic integrity in their classes to ensure students clearly understand them.

This document was developed by the Office of the Academic Deans in robust collaboration with the Center for Writing and Learning, the Faculty Development Center, Collins Memorial Library, Educational Technology, and the Academic Standards Committee. It will be updated if and when any relevant policies change, as well as to add new resources and guidance. Image produced with OpenAI's ChatGPT 4.