Knowledge of communication can be beneficial to any career. If you enjoy studying communication, but do not plan on pursuing it as a career, consider taking as many communication courses as you can fit into your elective selections. You might choose to double major or minor in communication studies.

International relations and negotiations are communication-centered. Understanding the effect of internationalism and how it affects communication is fundamental to dealing with others in the world arena. In an increasingly diverse world economy, essential communication skills are: problem-solving, speaking, listening, writing, and the abilities to analyze information and interact among multiple cultures.

Careers in international relations and negotiations

  • on-air international broadcasting talent
  • corporate representative
  • translator
  • student tour coordinator
  • diplomat
  • foreign relations officer
  • host/hostess for foreign dignitaries
  • foreign correspondent

Communication courses that can enhance an international relations/negotiations career

  • intercultural communication
  • communication theory
  • contemporary issues in organizational communication
  • technology, organization, and globalization
  • early American public address
  • interpersonal communication
  • introduction to political communication
  • communication and diversity
  • communication theory
  • communication and conflict resolution