About the Program

The University of Puget Sound is one of 155 institutions eligible to participate in the competition for the Davies Jackson Scholarship. This award, established by an anonymous benefactor, annually awards to at least one student from a liberal arts college, a full two-year scholarship at St. John's College, one of the most renowned of about 30 Colleges comprising Cambridge University. All fees and expenses during the two-year term including, room and board and maintenance expenses during the summer break are provided through the scholarship; as well as travel to and from England. The Scholarship is open to students who wish to read Archaeology and Anthropology, Classics, Economics, English, Geography, History, History of Art, Modern and Medieval Languages, Music, Philosophy, or Social and Political Sciences.

The main purpose of the Davies-Jackson Scholarship is to provide for another American an educational opportunity similar to the one the donor received. The donor, a city kid from an unknown college, was given the opportunity to attend St. John's College by having tuition provided. He became a part of the intellectual community and vowed to give back the gift he was given.

Application Deadline

End of October.

Note: All students are encouraged to take full advantage of the resources and support available to you in the Fellowships Office, either at the undergraduate institution or the institution of your graduate study

See the Davies-Jackson Scholarship website